2 Telling them

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-Makayla's POV-
"Them?" Louis questioned
"Yeah" Ashton said
"Why didn't you tell us"Niall asked
"You didn't ask" I said
"Yeah I forgot they got meet and greets"Luke said
"Ohh ok..so you guys are fans" harry said. Me and Katelyn nodded our heads. "Aww" Louis said. "Oh yah guys I half to show you something.. so today is katelyns birthday, and we had a birthday party for her and makayla got them meet and greet tickets, and I recorded it" Ashton said while getting his phone out
"No ashton don't" I said
"Too bad" he said. He hit play on the video and showed the boys. I started running towards Ashton to try to stop them."Luke grab her" Ashton yelled. Luke nodded his head and blocked me. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder "its no use Mak" Katelyn said throwing her hands up. "Alright I won't do anything, so you can put me down" I said to Luke
"I dont believe you" he replied
"I won't, I'll stay here" I said trying to sound convincing. I guess it worked because he put me down. I knew Katelyn knew what I was trying to do.I was trying to distract him so katelyn could run and grab the phone. As Luke set me down I saw Katelyn ran past him and grab Ashton's phone. She quickly tried turning the volume down but since she was in a rush, she accidentally turned the volume up..all the way up. " I mights as well hop in a car, move to Mexico and change my name" Katelyn said. Then I said the part about harry"and raise monkeys, live in a hut, and sell tort-illas" she said dragging out the last part
"Do u have a problem with harry" Zayn ask
"not a problem, just a Umm, he scared me" I  said whispering the last part
"Why" zayn asked
" he just scares me"Katelyn says
"Your just saying that because you love him" zayn says getting Harry's attention
"That is totally not true and everyone here knows it" Katelyn said
"We'll then let's ask some people shall we" zayn said smirking
"Ok go ahead " Katelyn said
"Liam doesn't Katelyn love harry" zayn ask
"Definitely" Liam says
"What do you think" zayn said asking me
"I totally agree, they were meant to be"I said
"Niall what did u think" zayn asked him
"I agree I think they were meant to be"Niall says
Harry starts walking toward Katelyn and evrey step harry takes toward her, another step Katelyn takes back until she hits a wall. Harry keeps walking closer until there an inch away.
"What do you want curly" she said starting to laugh
"You and your staying with me tonight" harry says with a smirk on his face as he walks away
"No I'm not"katelyn sassed
Harry comes running toward her and gave her a big smooch and he put his arms around her waist so she couldn't let go.When harry pulled back he said
"Do you want to tell me your not coming with me again"he said sternly
"No" she said scaredy
"That's what I though" he said walking out of the room
Katelyn walked back over to us and she said " so should I be scared"
"Mmm...Definitely" I said
"Woah wait, Kat close your eyes" Louis said
"What no" she stated
"Yes please, I'll get you out of staying with harry tonight if you do" he said
"Ok deal" she said. She closed her eyes and Louis stepped in front of her. He motioned for me to grab her hands and squeeze his butt. I nodded my head and bit my young so I wouldn't laugh. I went up beside Katelyn and grabbed her hand "it's just me" I said
"Oh hey, what are you doing?" She questioned while stopping me
"Do you want out of being with harry" I said. She didn't say anything she just relaxed her hand so I could move it. I formed her hands like a crab shape and pinched Louis butt with her hands. She screamed and jumped back. " now I might as well, be a foster mom for 20 kids and wear a bring pink weave" Katelyn continued
"Was that as good as you thought, or better?" Louis said with a smirk playing on his lips
"Actually.. worse" she sassed
"I'm not helping you tonight then" Louis explained.
"So anyway are you guys staying"Luke asked Liam
"Yeah sure" Liam says
"Do have an extra room just for Katelyn and harry" zayn asked smiling
"Yep" Ashton said smiling at Katelyn
Then everyone turned and looked Katelyn.
"I am not staying with harry" Katelyn said
"Ok go tell him that" I said
"Alright I will" she said walking toward the door
Then harry comes bursting through the door walking closer to Katelyn
"What were you going to tell me" he said bodily
"Oh, just that I can't wait till tonight" Katelyn said
"That's my girl" harry said walking back out of the room
"not " Katelyn whispered, but loud enough for us to hear. He stopped, and turned around slowly walking toward her"Ashton help" She yelled
Ashton went over and stood in front of her
"I'm sorry harry" she said quickly while hiding behind Ashton
"You'r lucky Ashton is standing there" harry said walking back out of the room
She jumped on Ashton's back
"You shouldn't of just done that" he said
"Why are you going to beat me up" She said sarcastically
"I would but your my sister, so therefor I would get in trouble" he said getting angry
"Then what are you going to do" She continued
"I always win and u know it"he said
"U won't this time" she said
"Luke"ashton yelled
Luke came running over to him and Ashton whispered something In his ear. Then Luke went behind her and said "are u going to get off"
"No" She said before sticking her tongue out at him.
Then he started tickling her so she jumped back into Luke's arms
"I told u I always win" he said
"Please...luke.... stop" she said still still laughing trying to catch my breath
"Why" he said
"I can't breath" She said
"Yes you can, if u weren't breathing then you would be dead right now" he said getting sassy
"Ashton" She yelled
"I know what ur going to ask me and I'm not helping you" he said
"Why" She asked
"Last time helped you, u jumped on my back" he said
"Will anyone else help" she asked
"I will" harry said running in the door
"Anyone but you" She stated
I looked at the boys and Louie was recording her
"Tomo man" She said still laughing
"It's on" he said coming toward me
"I'm sorry I won't call you it again" She said
"It's to late" he said whispering something in Luke's ear. Luke nodded and threw me down on the couch.
"Thank u" She said
Louie came running toward me and he started tickling me
"Stop....ill do anything" She said laughing again
"Fine but that was ur warning" he said he stopped tickling me
"Thank u, remind me to never mess with you again" I said
-When we get to Luke and Ashton's house-
-katelyns POV-
As soon as She walked in the door harry picked her up and put her over his shoulder and carried me up stairs
"Harry I give u permission to do whatever you want to her " Luke yelled
"Thanks but I was going to do whatever I wanted anyways" harry yelled before he walked in the room. "So how do you think Katelyn will hold up tonight" Niall asked coming up beside me
"We'll find out tomorrow morning" I said
" so why does she not like him?" He asked me
"umm, we where reading something once and in it harry was under the bed and me and Katelyn where on top of the bed and he jumped out and grabbed us"
"Ohh haha that's different" he said cocking his head, and laughing a little
"Yeah, Umm so thats just like a little inside joke between us now.." I explained
"What where you, Umm.. reading, that said that about Harry and uhh..why did you use you and Katelyns name?" Niall questioned. Crap. Crap. Crap. I thought, I did not just say that aloud, I didn't even realize."was it a fan fiction about us?" Niall continued
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize.." I said hiding my face
"It's fine love, i think it's kind of cute" he smiled moving my hands away from my face " just one question..?" He asked
"what?" I questioned
"Was the fan fiction about me?" He questioned
"No, Umm..no, definitely not" I answered quickly
" so that's a yes" he smirked. I didn't say anything I just put my head down. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up" its ok love" he said. I nodded my head a smiled from ear to ear.
Just to clarify Luke
is Luke Hemmings
And Ashton is Ashton
Irwin from 5sos

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