92 going home

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-Louis POV-
"Let's go" the cop yelled to his crew. Today was the day we finally get Katelyn and makayla. I have missed Katelyn so much. I am so exited to be able to hold her in my arms again. Me and Niall go and get in my car. Once the cops get in the car we follow them to Alfies house. We pull up and there it is a 4 black cars and a white van. The cops go all the way around the house and surround it. They got there guns out and ran up to the door and kicked it down. Me and Niall went and ran up to the door."get back" one of the cop said"wait at your car until we say you can come" he said
"But I really need to see kat" I said with tears forming in my eyes
"Lou, it's ok, we'll see her in a few, thank you officer" Niall said slinging his arm around my neck. We walked back to the car. I leaned against the hood of the car and just looked at the house. "I feel like I'm getting married again" Niall said
"Why" I said letting out a little chuckle
"Because I'm so exited but nervous" Niall said
"Ohh okay, me too mate" I said laughing again
"I really hope they don't fine out"
"Me too mate, me too, or else we may never get to see them again" I said. We heard Katelyn and makayla scream. We both leaned up.
-Makayla's POV-
The cops just burst through door and I think I just peed my self. "Where's Alfie" the cop asked. Me and makayla pointed up stairs. They ran up stairs as minuets later they came back down with Alfie, Cassandra, Eleanor and zany in handcuffs. They also went and got Ollie and Oliver. We were sitting on the couch watching some show that Ollie and Oliver liked before the cops came. "Was there anyone else that helped keep you keep these young ladies here?" The cop asked Alfie
"Yes, Aden and Albert" Alfie said
"Where are they" the officer asked
"I'm not sure, but there not on duty right now"
"So they did not live here"
"No stupid" Alfie said. The officer tasered him after he said that
"Did you pay them"
"What are there last names"
"I don't know"
"Then why did you let them work for you"
"Because he's stupid" zany said
"Please be quiet" the officer said to zany. Zayn nodded his head
"Ladies are you ok?" The officer asked us. We nodded our heads
"Did they abuse or do anything sexual with you"
"No, beside some pushed and throws" Katelyn said. The officer nodded there head
"Anything else I need to know from you two" the officer wile looking at me and Katelyn
"Umm where both pregnant" I said
"From them or.." the officer said pointing his pen at Alfie
"No, from our husbands, so if you don't mind don't tell them yet" I said
"Um they are actually here" he said. Me and Katelyn looked at each other
"Can we see them" Katelyn asks wile biting her lip
"All clear, you can come now" the officer yelled. Seconds later Louis and Niall appeared at the door. As soon as they saw us they ran up to us and picked us up and spung us around. "they didn't hurt you did they" Louis asked wile his voice cracked
"No" Katelyn said
"Are you ok Lou" I asked
"Yeah" he said. He came and gave me a hug and Niall gave Katelyn a hug. Then Louis jus burst into tears "babe, what's wrong" Katelyn asked wile giving him a hug "I'm just so happy your ok and you get to come home now" He said
"Aww" Katelyn said before she started to cry too.
"Why are you crying" Niall asked Katelyn
"Cause Louis crying" she said
"Aww Mr and Mrs emotional" I  said as my voiced cracked. Then I started crying too. " why is everyone crying" niall asked wile his eyes started to water
"Because there just so cute and I'm just so overwhelmed right now" I said wile hug if Niall again. Then Niall started balling too" I love you babe" he whispered to me while kissing my forehead. "Okay, okay enough with all the crying" Katelyn said. We all wiped our eyes and dried our cheeks. 
"Well they sure did feed you well didn't they" Niall said wile rubbing your belly
"Babe" I said while grabbing nails hand
"Yes princess" he said. I put his hand back on my belly. "I'm Pregnant" I said wile smiling from ear to ear
" oh those, ding dongs, they did that's to yo-" he started to say as he clean he'd his fist
"No niall, it's yours, ours" I said
"Really" he whispered. I nodded my head
"I'm going to be a dad?" He said
"Yeah" I said
"OH MY GOSH!! THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER!!!" He yelled before giving me a hug and kiss again
" umm kat" I said motioning for her to tell Louis
"Louis, I'm pregnant too" she said
"From me right?" He asked
"Yes from you" she said wile laughing a little
"YES, IM GOING TO BE A DAD TOO" Louis yelled
"Okay, you young ladies need to go to the hospital and make sure you and the baby's are ok then you are free to go home, and if you would like I could call you and let you know what will be happening with the rest of them" the officer said
"Ok, yes that's fine" Niall said. Niall and Louis gave there numbers to the officer for them to let them know. We go and get in Louis car and they take us to the hospital, we didn't half to wait long at all, so we both got right in and made sure everything was ok
-1 hour later-
"Everything is fine with both of you" the doctor said to me and Niall
"Thank you doctor" I said wile getting up and heading out to the waiting room. Louis and Katelyn where already out there"you guys good" I asked Katelyn
"Yeah, and you" she asked
" were good" I said
"Now let's go home" Louis said while grabbing Katelyn's hand. Niall grabbed my hand and we walked out to the car and went home.

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