The exploration of the basement

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As my dad had quite alot of money from his side hustle, he spent most of it on safety only. So i decided to explore. Our basement had 3 rooms or compartments. 1 of them were off limits to me.

I went in room 1 and found alot of stuff. I found: old broomsticks, a random box which i opened and saw a few gold coins but they were mostly gold-coloured coin's and not the real ones. Next i saw a glimmer of light from a small window. When i looked, i saw the back of our house. That means that this window is the window which shows the back of our house! Next i saw a weird wire, which led to a box the size of a stool. It also had wheels and a few ports. But that was all room 1 had to offer.

Next i went into room 2. Room 2 was more small but had things of more interest. It had a bat which had something written. When i look closer, it  showed "self-defence baton 4". I wondered what the 4 on it no meant. When i scoured the room more, i found 3 more self-defence batons in a box. Which was when i realised that the number 4, which was written on the first baton had actually meant how many batons were in the set. Then i saw what looked like a fan but 2 mini fans and one big one. The big one had small trolley-like wheels on them. Then i noticed a small switch. Like the young curios one i was, i switched it down, then suddenly heard  a little beep, then the lights had turned on. I called my father to show what I discovered. I said "father look at this light switch i found in the dark!". He replied smiling "yes son great job. If this storm gets over soon, I'll get you a chocolate". And that made me happy that i also discovered something cool. Then, i also went told my dad about the generator. Apparently he had put it to there 5 years ago and forgot about it. He told me that ill get another chocolate. So now im getting 2 chocolates. But i kept the fan part of it secret, so that i felt entitled to know something about it. I then went to The final room, room 3.

Room 3 didn't really have much to offer other than a few frames and random decorations, which i to though was weird at the time, so i kept it a secret to myself. Next, i spotted a few mini action figures and and another window, showing the underside porch of our house. I asked my dad about it and he said "haven't you noticed a little window on the first stair?" I replied "no i never noticed, i have never been down here, so". Then he went back because my mom was calling him. He told me to stay put. At the t you me i didn't have a clue ehat did stay put mean so i replied "ok dad!". Next, i looked around more and saw an old fashion phone. It looked like those 90s style telephones you get at an antique shop. And that was all. Then i went back to my mom and fad and told all about my explorations. I also included the fan as well, which was when he remembered he had a big fan my great grandfather. He went with me and i showed it to him. He was surprised that it still worked after 35 years. So he cleaned it up a hit and got it running again. Then he rolled out the generator and all the stuff i told him into the main basement hall. Then we plugged the generator with fuel and charged it up. It was half-inverter and half-Generator. He told "it will be useful to us in case of a power cut" to both me and my mom. My mom was proud and hugged me for my observations. It had almost forgotten the thought of the tornado, which was still raging outside.

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