Wandering and True Matches

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I stood in my basement dancing to All Time Low. Their voices flowing through my speakers at the highest possible volume.
"Me and you, living under a paper moon 'Cause real life just isn't right
Let's fabricate Me and you, living under a paper moon This real life just isn't right Let's get away Let's fabricate". I belted the chorus as loud as i could.
Eventually i heard a banging coming from the ceiling. Mother dearest was summoning me. *eye rolls*
I turned down the music and as i made my way up the stairs i heard faint conversation coming from the front door.
I opened the door to the basement and recognized the voice at the front. Luke. With this realization i raced to the door, completely interrupting my brother's conversation with him. Jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly. He knew about the past week's events but wasnt available until today, and he chose to spend his first free day with me.
Spinning me around and setting me down at the sound of my mother's voice. "When will you have her home?" She asks strictly.
With a bright smile he responded "Before dark Ma'm", this caused my mother to crack a smile. He really knows how to make an impression.
"Okay open your eyes lovely" he said quietly
I did as he said and looked out the car window to see our location. The Lanes. All decorated for the fall season. I smiled over at him and he made his way to my door and opened it for me.
We wandered around in and out of stores, not buying anything just looking. Then we found a small pet shop and i wanted to go inside so bad so i pulled Luke inside with me. The warm air in the shop comforted me and then my eyes fell on the glass case at the back. Filled with small kittens. I sprinted to it and pressed my face the glass.
Luke's presence eventually appeared behind me, and in that same moment my eyes fell upon a small grey kitten with blueish-gray eyes.
"Its so cute!" I squeaked "I wish i could have it" Luke smiled and took my hand. We left the store and wandered for a while longer. When the sky started going peach we made the decision to walk to the car.
Suddenly i felt Luke stop dead in his tracks.
His clock chimed loudly and part of me looked down hoping it was mine even though i knew it wouldn't be. His eyes connected with a brunette across the street. Her clock chiming in sync with his. She stomped over noticing our attached hands and as she got closer her features became clearer.
"Why are you holding hands with my match?!" She screamed.
I started to retaliate but Luke cut me off. "Because shes my girlfriend".
This statement caught me off guard, he had never called me that before. It seemed to have caught her off guard as well. So i stood up for myself.
"Sarah, ive been through a lot of shit these past few days. I dont have a match, i care about him, and he cares about me. So i would like you to move on because he's mine." And with that statement i walked the rest of the way to the car and shut myself in. Ignoring Luke's consoling words and letting tears fall the whole way home.

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