Dress shopping

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Chapter 7

(Reneesme POV)

"Reneesme!!!!" Alice screeched.

"What," I mumbled back still half asleep.

"We have your first wedding dress appointment today hurry up and get dressed," she exclaimed. I heaved myself out of bed and squeezed on a pair of skinny jeans and a lace v-neck.

My brain couldn't wrap around the idea of getting married and wearing a white dress. Maybe even having a family?

I sauntered down the stairs and greeted everyone with a good morning and a smile. I searched around for Jacob,but couldn't find him. "Alice sent away Jacob. Just in case you brought a dress home," my father answered my thought.

"Oh, great," I mumbled.

"You're finally up, we need to go now," Alice rambled. "Bella," Alice screamed," come on let's go." My mother ran down the stairs gave my father a peck on the lips and joined us at the door. She was holding a large white bag but wasn't struggling with it at all.

In the car Alice kept on talking about silhouettes, crystals , and veils but I barley listened. After a long, talkative car drive we parked in front of a cute little boutique. My mother grabbed my hand and lead me towards the store.

Inside, the store was large and spacious. There were racks and racks filled with dresses that didn't really appeal to me. There was only one dress I wanted and nobody would have it. "Hello ladies," the store clerk greeted us," do you have a appointment?"

"Yes with Marialle," answered Alice.

"Oh, well that's me," Marialle exclaimed, "so who's the bride." Everyone pointed to me. I smiled back at Marialle. "Oh my your beautiful. We can't go wrong on your dress , we have to find the perfect one," she uttered. "Would you like to start looking at some dresses with me," she questioned.

"No thanks my aunt will go with you," I announced. I knew not one dress back there I would like. Marialle motioned for Alice to join her at the racks while my mother and I sat in the waiting chairs. My mother still held the white bag to her chest.

After about 10 min Alice and Marialle finally came back. They were each holding at least 10 dresses. I sighed, this would be such a waste of time.

I rejected each dress I tried on. Marialle was getting more and more stressed with each dress I tried on. After a while my mother gave Marialle the white bag she was holding. "Have her try this one on," she whispered into her ear. Marialle peeked inside the bag then smiled widely.

"No! Bella we agreed that this was our emergency dress," Alice screeched. But my mother wouldn't listen to her.

"Reneesme go try on the dress,"my mother shouted out. So that's what was inside the bag a dress I thought to myself. I followed Marialle into the dressing room. Inside she told me to close my eyes while she was dressing me. When she slipped on the dress I could feel the smooth fabric hug my body.

"Open your eyes," Marialle whispered anxiously. I opened my eyes slowly. The person I saw in the mirror wasn't me. She was a goddess a pageant queen, anything but me.

"Oh my," I gasped," I love it," I rushed out side twirling around in front of my family. I stopped I front of my mother and gave her a big hug. "Are you sure you want to give me your dress," I whispered in her ear. She nodded her head.

"Of course I do," she giggled. Across the room Alice sat smugly on the chair.

"I guess we're done her," she pouted. Lets go Reneesme get dressed," I hiked up the skirt if the dress and got dressed in my jeans and shirt again. Instead of my mom holding the dress, I did. I sniffed the fabric inhaling her and my dad's Scent still fresh from their wedding day. Soon Jacob and I scent would be on this.

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