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Chapter 12

(Sophia's POV)

It's been 5 years since my mother died. Which means today I'm 17 years old. Carlisle believes my sister and I will stop growing a year from now.

  I ran into Serinas room and sat on the purple beanbag. Serina looked at me and laughed a bit. I was a sight to see. My golden hair was sticking up in odd places and my clothes were covered in dirt. "What's up," she asked trying to hold back from laughing.

   "I am so frustrated," I screamed, "my flower teleportation power will never work."

   "Alright, let's see what you've got," Serina exclaimed. Serina ran to me and i grabbed her hand. I closed my eyes and began to imagine a giant flower beginning to close up on us. i felt the flower tighten it's petals enclosing us in it's center. Then I imagined it falling into the ground and rising in the kitchen. When the flower opened up the next time i saw the kitchen and not serinas bedroom. "You did it," screamed Serina.

  "I did it, i cant believe this," I shouted back. After monthes of practice I could finally teleport using a flower. Serina could also teleport but that was her only power. i could manipulate any plant in doing whatever i wanted. My excitement was died down when i felt a dryness in my throat. The last time I hunted was weeks ago. "Well, I'm going hunting," I announced. I ran out the backdoor and began to follow the scent of mountain lion. When I found it, it was leaning over my mother's grave digging out the tulips I grew yesterday. "No," I screamed. My hands shot up and vines grew out of my hands wrapping the mountain lion around it's neck choking it. It fell limp and I rushed to my moms grave. The light shot out of my hands and the tulips grew back to life, but my eyes began to flow. 

   I really missed my mom. Even though I only saw her once. I can remember her as clear as day. Bella's eyes, golden hair, and pearly skin. I moved my hands in a shape of a dome and the flowers grew in that form. 

   I got up and began walking home, I would hunt later. When I got home my dad rushed at me. "Where have you been," he questioned angrily,"how long does it take to hunt for a bit." 

  "I didn't hunt. I was planning on hunting, but i kinda had to visit somebody," I babbled. 

  "Oh," he grunted. We usually never talked about mom."Well Alice wants to see you," he uttered.

  "Sophia, your here. Come on Serina and I waiting for you," Alice cried out from her studio. I rushed into her little room and was taken aback by all the fabric that was thrown around. Serina was looking around a little frazzled by the mess. "Alright, which fabric do you like better," she questioned.  Lately, Alice had been planning our 17th birthday party like always. I pointed to the purple chiffon fabric, and Serina pointed to the other fabric. "Don't forget to be here at six I am going to start on your hair and makeup, so don't be late," Alice demanded. I nodded my head to let her know that i heard her and then walked out. I went up to my room and listened to my ipod. The slow classical music of my grandfathers slowly put me to sleep.

   "Sophia wake up," groaned Alice, "time for make up." I got out of my bed and began to walk to Alice's bathroom Serina was already in the makeup chair getting her make up done. I sat in the chair and Alice began piling make up on my face. An hour later my make up and hair was done and I was dressed. Serina and I were wearing similar dresses both chiffon but mine was purple and her's was blue. The top was tightly wrapped and the bottom was flowey. Every few minutes the door would ring and more people would come. I didn't see the point in having such a big party. 

   "Alice who did you invite," asked Serina. 

  "Some covens and the pack, not a lot," blubbered Alice,"alright everybody is here you guys can come down now." We began to walk down the stairs and everybody that saw us said happy birthday and gave us presents. Alice turned up the music and we all started to dance along.

     Serina and I have met the whole pack for the exception of a few people, so tonight we get to meet everybody. One by one they all came and said hi and introduced themselves, but one seemed to stand out to Serina. He came and began talking to us but he only stared into Serina's eyes, and Serina seemed mesmerized. At one point in our conversation no one was listening, but there was a twinkle in each of their eye's. After a minute they both fell to their knees their palms together. "Seth," questioned my father, "did you just imprint?" Seth didn't answer all he did was stare into Serina's eye's while Serina stared into his.


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