The Sun Sets On The Other Side

830 37 1

Cɦaքtɛʀ 5

Narrator's POV

Dipper stayed up ever since 3:00 what Bill said wasn't helping him sleep but he was having doubt's on the whole topic. Dipper looked over at clock reading 5:04 am The brunette slide off his bed "okay I have to go confront that demon I need answers!" Dipper thought to himself. The boy grabbed his pocket knife and a jacket running outside into the woods with his journal.

He walked around calling Bill's name "ugh! Do I really have to summon him!" Dipper growled. The brunette went to grab his pocket knife when a strange sound echoed. Dipper got up with the pocket knife in his hands in a tight grip. "Uh....Bill is that you?" Dipper asked looking around as suddened red scarlet eyes pierced through the woods and the sound of a growl got closer. "Okay! Definitely not Bill!" Dipper yelled.

"Get Down! You Dork!" He heard someone yell as he got tackled down. Dipper opened his eyes to see a beautiful girl glaring at him her eyes were green with light blue hair each strain was a different color of blue, she wore a blossom white dress and some sneakers.

She looked to be about the same age as Dipper. "Um..who are you?" He asked her. The girl turned to him grabbing his hand and telling him to shush. They hide in a bush as Dipper turned to the girl asking who she was again.

"Luna..and you are?" She said. "I'm Dipper Pines" The girl nodded and blushed as she looked down and saw she had his hand in hers. They both let go and blushed. Dipper took a small peak outside of the bush to see fiery paws burning up the ground it looked like a pack of wolves made of fire, there eyes were crystal red the color of scarlet with sharp teeth and claws. Three of them walked around growling at each other like there deciding who's more dominate.

"Whoa" He said as he pulled out the journal flipping the pages catching Luna's attention. "What's that?" She whispered. "I'll tell you later" he said as he turned the next page seeing the wolves in the pictures. "Darn it I left the highlighter at home!" Dipper yelled at himself. But the real problem was that the wolves heard him.

One of them tore up the bush "Ahhh! Dipper do something!" Luna screamed. Dipper held out his knife as one of them jumped and grabbed it crushing it to pieces. The wolves got closer as Luna grabbed onto Dipper turning away. Dipper turned away when a bunch of yelps echoed.

Dipper looked up seeing Bill with blood all over his hands and some dripping from his face. "Oops.. Did I over do it?" Bill said smirking at the bloody mess in front of him. "I never thought I'd ever be so happy to see you!" Dipper yelled running up hugging the day lights out of the blonde.

Bill's face burned red "um.." Dipper let go of him awkwardly rubbing his arm. Luna raised an eye brow at the two but stood up walking over to Dipper. "Why is she here?" Bill asked. "Oh..I was just trying to save this cute guy from being eaten....and I would like very much for you to LEAVE ME ALONE!" She snapped.

"Okay then Pine Tree your friend's gotta check that attitude of hers!..wait did you just call Dipper cute?" Bill said walking over to her glaring her down. "Whatever Cipher!" Luna yelled crossing her arms. Dipper blushed and walked over to Bill grabbing his sleeve.

"can you excuse us!" He said growling at the boy he had a hold of. He pulled him away from Luna. "What?" Bill exclaimed. "What where you talking about me being different!" Dipper said. Bill sighed. "look I wish I could tell you more but I can't sorry Pine Tree" Bill said frowning.

Dipper growled. "that's not cool!" Dipper yelled as he kept complaining about it. Bill rolled his eyes and grabbed the brunette and kissed him shutting him up. Bill broke his kiss and smirked at him. "Can we go back now?" Dipper didn't say anything all he did was nod.

When the two boys returned Luna wasn't there when they heard a sudden yelp. A small wolf jumped out looking a lot like Luna with light blue fur and white paws but her eyes were a bright yellow she cut open her paw as she yelped.

The wolf had to be a young adult pup.

"Looks like I have one to finish off this will be easy its already hurt" Bill growled. Dipper stared at her seeing the light in her eyes as she turned to him. Dipper's eyes widened when he jumped in front of Bill. "What the heck Pine Tree!" Bill exclaimed. "This is Luna!" Dipper yelled. "Haha! Funny that's not her" He said moving Dipper out of the way.

"If you touch a single fur on her then are deals off!" He snapped. "Ugh! fine!" Dipper smiled and grabbed his bag. "I think I have something in here to help" He said grabbing bandages. They dabbed her paw with some peroxide and wrapped the bandage around her paw. She went to stand up but fell down as she started transforming into Luna.

Dipper smirked "told you!" Bill rolled his eyes. "yeah whatever Pine Tree!" Luna stood up with a little help from the boys. "So you can turn into a wolf?" Dipper said. "Yeah I wanted to keep it a secret" "DIPPER!!" Someone yelled behind him. "Mabel hey!" Dipper said with Luna leaning on his shoulder. "Dipping Sauce who's this?" Mabel asked. "This is Luna let's get her back to the shack she's hurt okay?" He asked. "Of course come along Luna Juna!" Mabel skipped around.

Luna looked at him with a weird look "she's werid" He replied as she nodded.

Updated yay! Wooo! Worked all day on this I had to go to my cousins house so I didn't have much time to work sorry! Working on chapter 6 (switching back to Dips POV soon) bye my little Cupcakes! Ella OUT! ❤

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