Part 1

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January 2012

After I shut the stove off, I pour the water into a mug and steep the tea. The brisk air from outside seems to have seeped into my home, so I've turned my heat up and made tea.

"Mum, do you want some?" I ask, her head nodding.

I hand her the mug and make myself a mug, her body leaning over the counter.

"How's your new job?" she asks, my head nodding.

"It's good. I'm the youngest at the police station. Not to mention I'm just a tech guy," I say, her lips curving.

"You're eighteen and I'm so proud of you," she grins, my lips curving.

A knock on the door sounds and I walk over, my hand unlocking the door. A young woman stands there and she has a baby with her, my eyebrows frowning.

"Is this the residence of Harry Styles?" she asks, my head nodding.

"Yes, that's me," I say, her lips releasing a sigh.

"You are the primary caretaker for the baby," she says, my eyes widening.

"What? I-I don't have a child," I rush, my head shaking.

"This was left for you with the baby girl," she says, handing me an envelope. My fingers open the envelope and my heart drops, seeing the signature at the bottom.


I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I can't take care of her. You must be so confused and so upset with me for leaving, but I need you to take care of her. She's yours, I promise. Have her DNA tested, but know she's fully yours. Know that I'm not in a place to take care of her right now, and I know your mum will help you and so will Gemma. Please, Harry, understand this. Understand I tried to do this for us but I can't do it. You need to be there for her.


My ex-girlfriend who I fell in love with, that left me, that broke me, was pregnant with our child and never told me. The paper is taken from my hands, my mum reading it over.

"N-Name? Does she have a name?" I ask, the woman shaking her head.

"We have a birth certificate made for her. Just...we need a name," she says, my body stepping out of the house.

My hands move to grab the baby, my eyes taking in the sight of the baby girl. She's newly born, her brown hair kept in a little beanie. She's beautiful and I know I'll take care of her. I don't even care; the shock leaving me the instant I see her.

"She's a week old," the woman says, my head nodding.

"Belle. I want to name her Belle," I say, my mum looking at me.

"Harry, are you sure you want to take care of her? This is a big responsibility," she says, my head nodding.

"I will not let anyone take her away from me. Look at her; her features. This is my baby," I say, her head nodding.

I sign the birth certificate, naming her Belle Elizabeth. The entire night I'm holding the little girl while my mum teaches me what I have to do. Belle's very easy to take care of and I find myself overly happy with the little one.

It was a week later that we had received the news of Willa. She overdosed in a nearby motel, my heart falling out of my chest with the news. The one girl I had fallen so deeply in love killed herself because of everything that had happened around her.

But sense was knocked into me. I took Belle to the hospital and had her check for any type of illness or disease in the event Willa did drugs while carrying the baby. Luckily, Belle was safe and healthy.

Belle is my green-eyed girl; my little beauty. I've grown to love her so much, only wanting her. With my age, I still need help taking care of her but I mainly take care of her. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I know I will treasure her with my life.

Present Time

The alarm clock blares throughout my room and I get up, changing into work clothes before walking into my kitchen to start breakfast. Grabbing a yogurt out of the fridge, I set it into a bowl and cut some fruit up and put it on top. My feet walk into Belle's room and I lift her out of her bed, her head nuzzling into my neck.

"Princess, I need you to eat for me," I whisper, kissing her forehead.

"Tired," she whispers, my lips curving.

"I know. But you're going to Nana's today," I whisper, her head lifting.

"Really?" she asks, my head nodding. She starts to jump in my arms and I smile, her arms wrapping around my neck tightly.

I set her on a chair and she starts to eat her yogurt and fruit, picking out the blueberries as always. She always eats them first.

"Daddy, is Nana taking me to school?" she asks, my body sitting next to her.

"Nope. Not today. You're off today," I tell her, her green eyes sparkling.

"Really? No school?" she smiles, my head nodding.

"Yes, really. Now finish up so we can go to Nana's," I say, her head of curls bouncing.

As she's grown, the only trait I see from Willa is her nose. Everything else looks like me. She's my girl and I wouldn't want it any other way. Sure, I lost out on parties and clubbing, but I'd much rather mature than to be stuck at clubs. I've been on a few dates but they never spiraled into anything because they were scared when I told them about Belle. That's apparently a turn-off. But if they won't love Belle like I do, they're not even worth it.

Once her breakfast is eaten, I let her change while I eat a banana and Belle runs to me. My hands grab her and I lift her up, hugging her close. I carry her to the car and buckle her in, driving to my mum's house. She lifts Belle up as soon as the door opens and I thank her, her head nodding. Belle grabs my cheeks and kisses me before I go, my lips curving.

"Bye Daddy," she smiles, my hand waving to her.

"Bye princess."

I get into work and start entering criminal cases into the computer system, my fingers opening my e-mail. My hand runs over my face, completely forgetting I have to meet with Belle's reading teacher tonight. It's part of the daycare she's in, her reading hard. It's not coming easily like other kids her age. She's three and a half, still very young, but there are other three year olds that can read easy things like 'cat' and 'dog'. Belle can't even do that.

"Styles, we need you to review the Ryan case. We found something," chief says, my head nodding. I pull up the case file and he looks it over, finding something he needs.

"We got a call this morning, saying they thought it was murder. It's not," he says, my head nodding. He walks out and I close the computer, walking out after putting in work.

"Daddy," Belle smiles, running to me from the backyard.

"Hi baby girl. How are you?" I ask, lifting my little girl into my arms.

"Good. I got a brownie," she grins, my lips parting.

"A brownie. Man are you spoiled," I smile, her lips releasing a laugh.

"Harry, you're going to her teacher tonight, correct? I know you've never really been there but they need her guardian there," mum tells me, my head nodding.

"Yep. I'm going. Don't worry," I tell her, Belle playing with my curls.

"Okay. I'll see you Monday," she says, my arm giving her a hug.

We say goodbye and I take Belle home, smiling as I hear her sing her favorite songs.


Hi Loves!!

So I decided to write a new story!

Please tell me what you think and VOTE COMMENT and SHARE!!

Love to all! <3 xoxo

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