Part 5

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My hand runs through my hair out of nerves and I smile when Faye opens the door to her house, her body in a navy blue dress that fits to her body perfectly.

"Hey Harry," she smiles, my hand moving a bouquet of flower in front of her.

"Hi. You look beautiful," I tell her, her lips curving.

"Thank you. You look great," she says, taking the flowers and setting them on the table in her home. I grab her hand and walk her to my car, her blonde hair pulled away from her face.

I open the door for her and she thanks me, my head nodding. I take a deep breath and get in the car, driving down to the restaurant. When we get there, I park and open her door. Faye smiles and I take her hand, leading her inside.

We're seated and I can't stop looking at her, her blue eyes distracted by the menu. I can't believe her eyes are real; the blue such a bright and vibrant color.

"What can I get for you guys tonight?" a man asks, making eyes at my date.

"I'll take a raspberry lemonade," she says, handing him the menu.

"And I'll have a pepsi," I say, his head nodding, taking one last look at Faye before walking away.

"Don't worry about him. I turned him down last time I was here," she says, leaning across the table and grabbing my hand. I nod and she smiles at me, taking my jealousy a different way than normally.

"I don't usually make guys get jealous on the first date," she says, my eyes locked with hers.

"So this is a normal occurrence?" I ask, her shoulders shrugging.

"I don't act on it. Guys that try to make moves on girls already on dates are flat out rude and embarrassing. You should have seen Jack when that guy asked me out. Jack made us get a new waiter," she says, my lips curving.

"Good. I might as well do that," I say, her lips releasing a laugh.

He returns with drinks and we order our food, my eyes shooting him a glare. "Can we have a new waiter?" I ask, his eyebrow rising.

"I'm uncomfortable around you," Faye says, the man straightening his stature. He sighs before he nods and I hold in a laugh the entire time he walks away.

Faye's the first to laugh and I join, my eyes adoring her smile. Her fingers tighten on my hand and I lean across the table to talk to her better, her body doing the same.

"You have no idea how good it feels to laugh," I tell her, her lips curving.

"Nerves getting to you?" she asks, playing with my fingers. I nod, her lips curved.

"I'm nervous too. I usually play with my own fingers, fiddling with them, but you've given me yours," she says, my lips curving.

"You have soft fingers," I tell her, her hand still holding mine.

"You have warm and long fingers," she says, her fingers very small compared to mine.

Her eyes look at my hands, moving them together so her fingers press to mine. "You have an inch, at least," she says, my eyes watching her closely.

She looks up at me and blushes, my eyes focused on how effortlessly beautiful she is. I entwine our fingers, wanting nothing more than to keep her warm fingers intertwined with mine.

Our food comes and the waitress sets it in front of us, my hand letting go of Faye's to eat.

"How's Belle doing after the Tanner incident?" she asks, my head nodding.

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