Part 10

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"I am ecstatic," mum smiles, my lips curving. Since Belle has fallen asleep on my torso after dinner, my mum and I have taken to talking about my developing relationship with Faye. My arms hold Belle to me tightly and I watch her close, ensuring she doesn't wake up. She's been out of school for three days and I had to work today, having my mum watch her.

As soon as I came over, Belle was in my arms and not letting me put her down. I've had to eat dinner like this and I made her eat some fruit, her hair a mess due to laying on the couch all day.

"So are you happy with her?" mum asks, my head nodding.

"Extremely happy. I feel so strongly for her already," I say, her lips curving.

The front door opens and a voice I haven't heard in a while calls for mum, my lips curving.

"Harry, how are you curly?" Gemma smiles, my lips curving.

"I'm good. But Belle's sick so watch out," I warn, her eyes flickering to her niece.

"Oh the poor thing looks horrible," she says, brushing Belle's hair back. "Burning up."

I nod, Belle curling closer to me. Her small body is held closer to me, my eyes watching her closely.

"Guess what Gem?" mum grins, glancing at me. I shake my head and smile, feeling my cheeks burn with a blush.

"What?" she asks, smiling over at me.

"Harry has a girlfriend," she says, Gemma parting her lips and slapping the couch instead of me.

"What's her name?" she asks, my hand smoothing over Belle's back to relax her shivering body.

"Her name's Faye," I grin, mum retrieving Belle's blanket for me. I wrap it around her and she sighs, continuing to sleep.

"Faye, as in Belle's friend and teaching aid?" Gemma asks, my head nodding.

"I was skeptical but I really like her. I'm hopeful," I say, her smile saying the same.

"We're all hopeful. We just want you happy. But please, open up to her," Gemma says, my eyes locking on hers.

"Yes, Harry. We know you have a hard time because of Willa, but when you want a relationship to last it means you must open up," mum adds, my lips releasing a sigh.

"It's not even Willa. I have a hard time with everyone," I explain, the two of them sitting across from me.

"But considering you found someone who Belle likes, and you like, opening up will become essential," mum says, Gemma looking at Belle.

"What have you talked to her about?" Gem asks.

"Well, I told her about Willa. Only because she asked about Belle's mum. I've told her I'm not good at emotions, only with Belle. And she understood. You know what she did? She kissed me when I told her I'm bad at opening up and she talked me through everything to make me want her even more," I say, the two of them smiling.

"I'm so thankful you two met. When we met, I loved how happy she was and how much Belle adored her. There was a feeling I knew you'd like her," mum smiles, my head nodding. I look down at Belle and smile, knowing this whole relationship wouldn't have happened without her.

"I like her. A lot," I say, brushing my thumb over Belle's cheek.

"Have you told her that?" Gem asks, my head shaking.

"I don't think so," I recall, Gemma shaking her head.

"You should tell her so you know what she feels towards you," mum suggests, my shoulder shrugging.

Belle starts coughing and I immediately worry, moving to look at her. "Belle, princess, are you okay?" I ask, her skin so pale. She shakes her head and I lift her up, taking her into the bathroom in the event she needs to empty her stomach.

"It hurts," she whispers, my hand pressing to her forehead.

"Where?" I ask, her finger pointing to her chest, then her throat.

"Harry, please take her to the doctor. This could be serious," mum says as she walks into the bathroom.

"I'm going to," I say, lifting Belle up.

After thanking her and kissing mum's cheek, I say goodbye to Gemma and drive to the doctor. My arms hold Belle and she coughs more, my lips kissing the top of her head.

"Styles?" a doctor calls, my feet standing up.

"So what seems to be the problem?" she asks, my arms setting Belle down but she complains. I wrap my arms around her while she sits on the table and I explain to the doctor what's wrong.

Belle allows the doctor to look at her and prognosis is Belle has pneumonia. My heart stops and the doctor explains how to take care of her, my head nodding through everything. Belle latches onto me again and I lift her, taking the papers the doctor hands me.

As soon as I'm in the car, I call my mum to tell her Belle has pneumonia.

"Harry, don't hesitate to call me," she says, my head nodding.

"I know. I'll be fine with her. I hold her the entire time anyway," I say, mum understanding. I hang up and park in the house, Belle immediately curling into my arms as I take her into the house.

"Do you want me to hold you again?" I ask her, her head nodding. Since she's sick, I allow her to sleep on me. Usually I don't for her safety reasons, but if she's scared or sick I make acceptations.

"Let daddy put his shorts on and then I'll hold you, okay?" I ask, her head nodding. I sit her on my bed and change out of my uniform fairly quickly. When I go back out, Belle climbs onto me immediately and I put her princess movies on.

I start texting Faye about Belle's illness and she texts she'll stop by in the morning, my hand setting the phone down after we say goodnight.

My lips press to Belle's forehead and I lay back, turning the movie off as she sleeps. Her fingers grip my tee and I set my hands on her back, holding my little girl close.

The doorbells wakes me up and Belle wraps her arms around my neck when I stand up, her coughing one of the worst noises I've heard.

I answer the door and Faye waves, my hand opening the door so she can walk in.

"Belle, how are you feeling?" she asks, Belle turning to look at her.

"Okay," she whispers, squirming in my arms. Faye takes Belle into her arms and Belle starts asking about getting braids in her hair.

"Belle, you need to rest," I say, Belle complaining as usual.

"I want braids, daddy," she whines, Faye whispering something in her ear. It makes her smile and she nods, Faye taking her into the living room.

Once two braids are in Belle's hair, Belle curls onto Faye's body and I bring blueberries to Belle. She eats them and I kiss the top of her head, Faye grinning at me. I kiss the top of her head as well and Belle laughs, making me smile and Faye blush.

"Is daddy your prince?" Belle asks, my head turning to look over at them.

I nod to Belle and Faye says 'yes', Belle clapping. "Yay. I like it."


Hey Loves!

Sorry it's short but I hope you like it!!


Much Love To all!!! <3

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