Part 4

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I drive to the daycare to pick up Belle, my hands steering into the parking lot. I park and get out, my hand pushing open the door.

"Belle, it's okay," I hear Faye, my little girl crying.

"B-But I don't have a mummy like Tanner," she cries, my heart breaking in two.

"You have your daddy," she tries but she cries even harder.

"Belle, listen to me, okay? I don't have my mom either. She's in heaven too, with your mommy," she says, my eyes widening.

I didn't know her mom passed away. That makes me curious.

"Are they friends?" she asks, my head looking into the room.

"The bestest friends I'm sure," Faye smiles, holding Belle's hand.

Belle sniffles and I knock on the door, Belle running to me. "What's wrong princess?" I ask, her hands gripping my shirt as I lift her up.

"Tanner was being mean," she whispers, my eyes looking at her.

"Did Faye fix the problem?" I ask, looking over to Faye.


I smile and thank her, her head nodding.

"Anytime," she smiles, my eyes taking her in. She's blushing lightly and I grin, her fingers brushing her hair behind her ears.

"I met your brother yesterday," I tell her, her lips releasing a sigh.

"Was he being..." she says, mouthing stupid so Belle doesn't hear.

"He had an interesting choice of words," I say, Belle resting her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah...that's Jack for you," she says, my lips curving.

"He, uh, told me about the night after you met me," I say, Belle wiggling in my arms.

"I want to play," she says, running to the other kids. When I look back up at Faye, her eyes are bright but filled with nerves.

"You really like my hair?" I say, her lips releasing a laugh.

"It looks good," she smiles, my lips curving as I watch her.

"I was actually wondering if you'd like to go out sometime," I say, biting my lower lip and running my hand through my hair. I can see her eyes visibly get brighter and she nods, my lips curving.

"Cool," I smile, her lips releasing a laugh.

"Would Friday be okay?" I ask, her head nodding.

"Yes, Friday would be fine," she smiles, my eyes still captivated by hers.

"Good, good. I'll pick you up," I tell her, her lips continue to smile.

"You haven't been out in a while," she says, my lips releasing a deep breath.

"Nope. Maybe a year," I say, her eyes still holding a gaze with mine.

"It's fine. I don't date much either," she says, reaching and grabbing my hand. I feel her warm fingers cup mine, my hand huge compared to hers but I like how soft her fingers are.

"Just relax. It's probably not easy for you to date, especially with Belle," she says, understanding me and my situation. She's exactly what I've been looking for and I feel really good about her. She's genuine.

"Thank you for understanding," I say, her head nodding.

"No worries. She's a beautiful girl," she smiles, my head nodding.

"Thanks," I say again, smiling at how stupid I must sound right now.

"I have to take her home. Give her dinner," I say, letting go of her hand to get Belle.

Once I grab Belle, I carry her and stop to say goodbye to Faye.

"I'll see you Friday," I grin, her lips curving.

"Bye," she grins, Belle waving to her.

As I drive home, I continue to look back at Belle and I frown when I see her so upset. I turn the music down and look back at her, her fingers holding each other.

"Belle, what happened?" I ask, her eyes looking at me.

"Tanner said his mummy made him cookies. He asked if my mummy made me cookies. I said I didn't have a mummy and he started making fun of me," she starts to cry, my hands steering into the driveway. I park in the garage and I quickly get Belle, hugging her to me tightly. I sit down in the garage and just hold her crying form, grabbing her head and kissing her cheek.

"I don't have a mummy," she cries, my arms holding her to me.

"Mummy is in heaven. She's an angel," I whisper, kissing her hair. She starts to calm down and I kiss her tears away, her eyes looking at mine.

"Your mummy will always be right here," I tell her, poking over her heart. She nods and I kiss her forehead, grabbing her cheeks and wiping her tears away. I lift her up and walk inside, holding her close the entire night.

I let her sleep on me, her resistance to her room very high. My night is restless, constantly holding a three year old making me very alert in the event she were to wake up and be scared.

"Daddy, can I have toast for breakfast?" she asks, my hands washing her in the bathtub.

"Of course princess," I smile, her head of curls thoroughly washed out. I wrap a towel around her and she walks to her room, getting dressed. I make her toast and she comes out of her room, sitting at the table while she eats her toast.

"You have Faye call me if Tanner says something to you," I tell her, her head nodding.

After breakfast, I drive her to my mum's house and she hugs and kisses me goodbye. I'm very reluctant to leave her but she says she's okay, my head nodding.

Work is boring and I stay for dinner at my mum's, her and Belle's relationship very strong.

"How is work Harry?" she asks, my head nodding.

"It's good," I smile, taking a bite of the spaghetti.

"Daddy met Faye," Belle says, my eyes looking over at Belle.

Her smiling face is adorable and she's grinning from ear to ear. I smile at her and flicker my gaze to my mum, her eyebrows raised in anticipation.

"What?" I smile, her eyes looking at her food.

"What do you think about Faye?" she asks curiously, my hand shoveling more food into my mouth. Thank God my daughter is fixated on her food.

"I'm going out with her on Friday," I mumble, my mum clapping.

"I knew you'd like her. She's wonderful," she smiles, my head nodding as I feel my cheeks heat.

"I like her," I blush, running my fingers through my hair.

"Oh, Harry, I hope it works out for you," she says, my heart pounding out of my chest.

Me too, mum. Me too.


Hey Loves!!

I hope you're enjoying the story so far!


Love!! <3 xoxo

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