Escape Part 2

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All Riddick had to do was reach forward and grab Marstons gun, and he did just that. Marston turned around as he threw the gun down the hall past me. Riddick's large hand wrapped around Marston's throat with that looked that, for some reason, gave me chills. His lip quivered up as he stared at him with the angriest look I had ever seen on someone with a soul. I saw the muscles in his jaw clench as Marston grasped at the hand that held his throat. He was trying to speak, but I knew that Riddick wasn't going to release. "Leenah" he said in a deep voice, the voice that made my skin crawl in pleasure. "What I do to this son of a bitch is up to you. Unless, of course, you would like to?" he wasn't looking at me as he spoke in that cool tone.

I took a slow, careful breath trying to study my nerves as I couldn't believe it was actually him. It was Riddick...he had come. He was there in front of me. I swallowed, "release him." I said sternly, and almost immediately Riddick let go of Marston as he fell to the ground gasping and clutching at his neck as if the breath he had gotten had hurt. I walked forward slowly, my black eyes still apparent as I felt my vision blur. My body started to change, my bones started to break as I shifted, for the first time, completely, into a wolf. As I walked on fours, my pads sliding on the tile, my black eyes turning gold. I could speak, but not through my mouth with was snarling at the floor toward him. "You know, I could do this a few weeks ago, but I wanted to wait until I was going to kill you to show you what you have lost. You see, the injections you were giving me only triggered my change and made it a little harder to control. It also made me angrier, especially toward you. However, something in those injections made it easier to stop the change completely once you injected me. That was your fault." I snapped in front of his face, his eyes full of fear.

"I am your death." I growled, and then sunk my teeth deep into Marston's neck. I shook my head, tearing into his flesh as he gurgled on his own blood, his arms falling from my neck as he had reached up and tried to stop me. When I heard his heart stop beating in the blood stream I pulled back. Blood was dripping from my fangs as I stared at the floor, It was easy to hear the bones break in my body, the hair falling from my body as I stood up on two legs again. I was naked, but I didn't care. I turned back toward Tully who was looking at me with wide eyes. Weather he was looking at me because I was naked and he was at a puberty age, or because he was surprised that I had just turned into a complete wolf in front of him, i'll never know. I looked down at Marston's dead body and took his bloodied shirt off of him and putting it on. I was short enough to where it covered my body after I buttoned it up. My eyes were a more gold color than before as I could see them reflected in Riddick's eyes.

I felt my eyes sting with tears as I looked at Riddick's face. He was stiff as he watched me, but I knew that when Riddick was afraid he was angry, so I knew this wasn't fear, this was him not understanding a feeling. I rushed forward and threw myself against his chest. I breathed in his sweet smell of sweat and musty odor as he stood there. I felt his body relax as I pressed against him, clutching at his leather chest piece. "Are you...Riddick?" I heard Tully behind me, slowly stand and Riddick rose his head. I looked up and turned my head, not daring to take myself away from him again. Riddick chuckled once.

"Yeah kid," he said with a hint of a smile. His goggles were on top of his head and it was still dark, but there was light flowing through the windows from the two doors even though they were closed and far apart.

"Leenah...Riddick...are you two like...." I gave him a secret smile, turned my back toward Riddick and purposely pushed my ass against his pelvis. I heard him growl behind me so softly I wasn't sure if Tully would hear it.

I walked forward and rustled my fingers through Tully's hair. I bent down and grabbed the serum off the ground and smashed it against the wall. "Tully, I'm sorry I didn't go with you to save them. You were braver than I was." I said proudly, but I could feel that Tully was a little afraid of me, and even more afraid of Riddick. He couldn't stop looking between me and the blood on my face. "I'm sure you can catch a ship if you hurry up." I smiled at him and then turned around to walk back toward Riddick who had put his goggles on over his eyes. Before walking out the door, I turned one last time, "I hope I'll see you around sometime Tully."

A few minutes later the place was deserted. The smell of death was hard to ignore, but Tully had saved a lot of people, and I couldn't help but feel like I was going to miss him. Tully and I had been through so much together, and he was like a little brother. One look at Riddick's ass in front of me and I had forgotten about Tully. I was with Riddick again, and that was more than Anything I could ask for. We walked toward his ship, and the sound of engines turning on and flying off the planet was also hard to ignore. All of the experiments had found a ship to steal and was making their way off the planet, and would probably never look back as I planned to do.

Riddick opened up the ship and ushered me inside. We wanted to get off the planet before anyone else showed up, but there was one thing bothering me. The trackers we were all implanted with. I needed to find out where it was and remove it, and I hadn't had the time or the thought to tell anyone else about them except Tully because he had been there to hear it too. I couldn't help but wonder if Injecco would continue on only because they had them all implanted with trackers. Would they really go through the trouble to find them all and continue their experiments with their two best experiments gone forever. Then again, they had found me once, and if they really wanted to, they could find me again. The company was destroyed in many ways, and it would take a while to get that facility up and running again unless they decided to leave. The other workers would show up, see how much damage had been done, and then fly off and call it in.

There was no way to tell. Inside the ship, I started searching my body for lumps, a sign of a tracker, while Riddick started turning on the ship. When I started searching my hair, there it was on the back of my neck. "Riddick..." I said before he flipped the last switch. "I need a knife. There is tracker beneath my skin on the back of my neck. I need to get it out." I looked at him and without any indication of emotion he stood up and pulled out his knife from his pants. He told me to hold my hair, so I did. I felt a terrible sting as the knife sliced into my skin. I could feel as his fingers dug into my neck and pulled out the tracker. He threw it out the door and then pressed the button to close the ship. Before walking back to the chair, he pulled out a shirt and handed it to me.

"Wrap your neck up." I did as I was told, but looked at the shower. What I wanted more than anything was to shower, but I was so mentally drained and even physically drained from the change that I passed out almost immediately after tying the cloth around my neck.

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