Escape Part 1

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It was me and a few others in the medium sized room. There were circular tables in a couple directions. Tully and I were sitting at one table, and the others were all by themselves in different parts of the room. There were a couple of guards in the room, one by the door with a key card and the other by the bathroom. I was sure there was another guard inside the bathroom, but many of us refused to use them in front of the guards. It wasn't like we expected them to do anything, but we weren't taking any chances either. I yawned, a small television in one of the corners was off, as the guards always told us it was broken. We knew it was a lie though. We just weren't aloud to do anything. There was nothing in the room that we could use as a weapon--that included utensils, glass, blah, blah. basically anything that can be used to stab or hit over the head.

Everything was quiet, and then a loud hum started to vibrate in the walls, and the lights above us exploded. Everything went dark around us, and I could hear the clicks of the doors as they opened from the loss of power. A smile curled at my lips as my eyes illuminated the dark. The guard pressed himself against the door, keeping it shut. He was hoping, probably praying, that the generator would turn on, but I knew better. If it was going to turn on, it would have already. I scraped my chair against the ground and stood up. Tully was still sitting in the chair beside me, looking around with a very confused face. He opened his mouth to say something, but we both knew what was going on.

The breathing of the guards started to become erratic as they braced themselves against the door. The woman that had been stationed in the bathroom came out, and she was cautiously grabbing onto the walls. At the sound of my chair scraping against the floor, one of the guards, the one by the door, the door out of there, grabbed at his gun hooked into his belt. "Don't you dare fucking move" he held the gun out, pointing it in all directions. I looked at Tully with my sly smile, and he returned it, knowing what I was saying to him. They were all starting to shake, each of them pulling out their guns. "We're armed!" he said again.

"I know." I said in a playful voice. "But...tell me, how many of you can see in the dark." my voice came out like a growl, and it sent fear into their hearts as I leapt forward. The one by the door shot out, his bullet hitting the ceiling. I twisted his gun out of his hands and snapped his neck with my wrists. Tully had pounced on the woman that had came out of the bathroom, fangs protruding out of his mouth as he bit her neck and tore flesh from her muscles. The screams made the last guard drop to the ground in a fetal position. I thrust my head backwards, and Boyd, one of the experiments who was the newest patient, grabbed him by his hair, thrust him up, and slammed him against the wall breaking his neck.

"Lets go." I said as I opened the door and walked out. I had to say, that being even slightly free felt better than anything in the world. I wasn't sure how long I would have to escape, but I didn't care why the power went out, or why the generator wasn't working. All I cared about in that moment was that it was my chance to get the fuck out of there and never look back. We were running down the hallway. Tully was on my heels as we ran toward the entrance of the building, the only way in and out that we knew of. Suddenly there was a loud bang, shaking the floor we were on. Tully asked what it was, but I said it didn't matter, we had to keep moving. Me, Tully, and three other experiments were running through the halls, smashing through the doors for fear they would suddenly lock again. I heard the cease of footsteps behind me, and stopped to turn around.

"We can't leave them." Tully said as he looked down the hall to the left toward our rooms were we spent seventeen hours of the day. Two of the experiments nodded, but the rest of us, including me, didn't agree.

"This is our chance Tully." I looked at him, his small horns above his eyebrow and his bright green eyes his most notable features now. He shook his head.

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