Chapter 3

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Alright, here's anther update. I'm gonna make it quick and short but, it's only to start off the story.

July 18. My birthday. My birthday without Dylan. I was turning fourteen and he was missing it. Dyl and I have only talked on the phone twice since he left. He's super busy. And still, I have no pictures or any detail about the camp. As for me, nothing interesting has been happening except for volleyball. I went to high school volleyball camp and this school year I'm hoping to make at least JV! I'll make varsity as a sophomore. Besides that, I've been hanging out with Rachel and my friends, but I still wished Dylan was here.

I heard a door close. Footsteps walked up the stairs. "Hey Rach. Is that you?" I asked while looking at my door. A familiar face appeared and Rachel smiled at me from the door. "Hey sis! How was softball?"

Rachel looked exhausted. "Good, I guess. Not much to it besides catching and throwing today. Just the basics." Wanna get some lunch? It's the least I can do for the birthday girl!"

"Sure! I'll meet you downstairs when your ready." I changed out of my athletic shorts and t-shirt into short jean shorts, a yellow tank top and a cream cardigan, slipping into my tan sandals. I straightened my hair and fixed up my mascara. I walked downstairs and grabbed my purse. I sat on the couch looking at my iPhone while waiting for Rach.

When she walked downstairs, we walked out the door and went to Chipotle to get a quick, but delicious lunch. Rachel drove us there. I kept forgetting it was my birthday considering Dylan wasn't there with me to celebrate, but I'll see him soon. We'll spend it together next year. No need to worry I kept telling myself. Whatever. I knew I was just saying that to make sure I wasn't going to be sad on my birthday.

Rachel and I sat and began eating. "So have you heard from Dylan?" I shook my head and she frowned."I thought he would at least call you on your birthday."

"I know, that's what I said, but no calls at all today." I took another bite of my food and quickly wiped my face with my napkin. Oh man, I was really out of it. I kept telling myself to snap out of it. Come on Penny.

"Hey you still have the rest of the day for him to call so don't worry," Rachel reassured me. I took another bite and threw my un-finished bowl away. Rachel threw hers away too and before you knew it we were out the door.

"Thanks for lunch sis," I said while we drove back to the house. The drive took an easy five minutes. We walked in the door to our house and I saw Connor looking into the fridge. Connor was my older brother. He was sixteen. Rachel was the oldest out of all of us. She just turned seventeen. As for me, I was the baby.

"Happy Birthday Penny!" My brother walked over to me and gave me a hug. I stood there and hugged him back. "Sorry I couldn't say happy birthday earlier, but last night was crazy so I decided to stay over and Carson's."

"Oh Connor, what kind of trouble?" My sister asked shooting him a look. Connor grabbed and apple, winked at me and ran upstairs to his room. Rach shook her head. "That boy is seriously going to get busted one of these days and seriously regret it. He does the stupidest shit and never gets caught."

I laughed and walked upstairs to my room. Sure it was my birthday and all, but I felt like just crashing on my bed and staying there for the rest of the night. And that's exactly what I did. Rachel ended up going out with some friends and Connor stayed here with me. Carson and Patrick, his two best-friends, came over and they just played on the X-box the entire time. I ate dinner and simply feel asleep really early in the night. So much for a birthday dinner. Mom and dad were out of town because their anniversary is on my birthday. I told them it would be fine if they went to Napa for the weekend and they said they would celebrate my birthday when they got back. It was fine by me. I just wished my birthday could've consisted of a phone call from Dylan.

Alright! I'm trying to get through the first part of the book fast so since these are short updates, I'm trying to update every day! Make sure to tell others to read this book if you like it! I could use some more views and comments to see if I should continue writing this book!

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