✧ Chapter 6: Locked And Loaded ✧

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Hello, it's me, the author! I've finally had some time do work on this as I have about 2 hours until my college opens because we had a bad ice storm last night. I figured I'd bring you all a chapter!


After hearing the knock on the door and the sound of footsteps traveling back down the hallway,  Apysker sat up from the couch and proceeded to the door. With the turn of the knob, he looked down and was greeted with the sight of a package on the ground. A label on the top told him the package was from this Banshee character that Zavala told him about. Picking up the package, he closed the door and walked over to the kitchen counter, setting the package down.

He tore open the package where it was sealed with tape and opened it. He was greeted with the sight of what looked like a rifle and a handgun. Both of the weapon had simple but sleek designs. They were colored a simple gray, eluding to the materials they were crafter out of. He picked up the rifle and analyzed it. It really was nothing special. Zavala had probably told Banshee to give him something basic just in case he decided to betray the Vanguard, which was a troubling thought.

After a while longer of analyzing the weapons and the ammo boxes they came with, he threw the boxes away and loaded the weapons in the holsters he was given. The rifle remained strapped on his back and the handgun was on his hip.

Sol then broke the silence that had blanketed the room,

"Are those weapons to your liking?"

"They're suitable.

"Well I'll take suitable as a yes."

"Now what Sol?"

"Well, I think we should meet back up with Zavala and tell him you received your weapons. We can also ask him if there is any tasks that need to be done, such as patrols."

Apysker just nodded in response and grabbed the rest of the items he'd need before they left the room. After he was set to go, they left the apartment and locked the door. They walked down the hallway back to the elevator where they had shared their thoughts and Sol reassured him that he'd be there for him no matter what. They stepped in the elevator and pushed the button to send it back up to the main level where everyone gathered.

After a short ride, they steeped out of the elevator and walked down another hallway to the plaza. There was a few other Guardians dotting the area, chatting amongst themselves and talking to vendors. No one really took notice of him besides the few that shot him hostile looks and sideways glances. He shuttered a little but quickly hid his discomfort.

Sol led him back down the stairs to the Hall of  where he'd been threatened with his life just hours before. He walked past the other vendors that dotted the hallway. The one with the loud voice gave him a menacing look that you could only feel through his horned helmet.

Once the reached the spot where the room opened back up to reveal the large table in the middle, Zavala was already looking at him from the end of the table. His deep voice rang in the room,

"I see you've received your weapons."

"Yes sir, they are beautifully crafted."

"I would believe so. Banshee does good work. You're down here for a mission, I would assume?"

"Yes sir."

"Well, I've been getting reports of Fallen groups forming in the Cosmodrome. I want you to go there and check it out and if possible, put an end to them."

Apysker gulped nervously as those were his people. His species. They wanted him to go there to clear out those gangs and prove his loyalty to the Vanguard and The Traveler. They wanted to make sure he wouldn't falter to these congregations. As much as it would pain him, he had to do it.

"Yes sir, it will be done. You have my word."


Word Count: 682

Fun fact: I finished this chapter to the tune of Pretty Girls Make Graves by The Smiths!!!

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