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BAM! And one of those expendable staircases flung down. You know, one of those that fold down so you can climb up to the attic? We all looked at each other, not knowing what to do as we had discovered the latest of news. Colton walked up to my side, as we were probably only two who actually knew each other before we were invited to this house. Looking at each other, I flashed my eyes as my chest went up and down fast: What do we do?
"Come on, this way." The boy named Nick said, as he started to descend up the ladder as I saw flashing purple and white lights above. "Come on, slow pokes!"
Growling under my breathe, we had to be cautious. Don't need to be the brave one, Nick. Colton noticing my growl, he grabbed my wrist as I was going to stay in my spot. "Come on, I don't want to listen Mr. Controller, either." Rolling my eyes as the other girls was following Nick's lead. I looked at Colton as I stopped frozen in my tracks, he looked back at me. "Come on, Dakota!"
"No! I'm not risking my life, who knows what's up there!" I retorted, as I glared towards the exit where the other three went.
"Dakota, please, stop being stubborn." Colton replied.
"I'm not being stubborn." I stomped my foot and crossed my arms, as I glared down towards the floor.
"Yes, because doing that isn't stubborn." Colton rolled his eyes at me.
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the scariest of them all?" I froze and went rigid, as the song was going off from nowhere, but was somehow traveling into the room. I jumped into Colton's arms as I grabbed his shirt immediately.
"Come on. Let's go." Colton said quickly, pushing me towards ladder as we started to climb up. Reaching up to the top, I banged my head immediately to a short roof.
"Ow, fuck!" I yelled, as Colton came up behind me, laughing and making sure to duck so he wouldn't hit his head. "Where are the others?" I said, as I rubbed my head.
"Might have been dicks and just went ahead." Colton shrugged, as we started to crawl through the small, upper, what seemed to be, attic. Looking around, there was nothing but dead squirrels and rats up here.
"That's vile." I said, as I moved closer to Colton.
"Yes, well, considering the fact some jacked up man is killing us all, I think that's viler. We should move on and find a way out." Raising my eyebrow slightly, I said nothing in response to his theory of who was actually doing this.
Following as we went on all fours, we crawled through the small, short, attic. Looking around and scrunching up my nose at the dead animal smell, I suddenly saw a door on the left of me. "Colton!" I screamed, having actually some kind of leap of hope.
Going to the door first, the door was painted black and white, striped as the paint was slightly peeling, I made a confused face as I looked back at Colton. Taking in a deep breathe, I opened the door knob and banged open the door, a gust of wind following.
The color of white and black met my eyes, nothing else to do; we crawled through and stood up. The room was black and white. Striped as the paint was pealing and looked scratch, I took a step away from Colton as I was intrigued suddenly.
"Look at this." Colton whispered. Looking over at him, he was standing towards the wall, moving closer as a piece of the paint was falling off, other colors longing to show. Jogging over quickly, I moved to Colton's side and ripped off the paints, showing the bloody, dripping, new letters of.
I hate being a selective. Looking at Colton, I was officially freaked out. Taking in deep breathes as we were still dressed in these clothes that were from the masquerade, my dress was ripped and ruined in different places as my hair was tossed into a messy ponytail from a hair tie I had.
"Selective." I repeated, out of my and in real life.
"We're selectives." Steve said in response, looking at me as I was putting a thinking face on.
"It doesn't make sense, we're so young, what could we have done?" I said, not thinking clearly.
The floor suddenly dropping beneath us, I screamed as I suddenly hit cushions beneath me, opening my eyes as I was lying next to Colton. We were in another room, had to be the size of the old, Victorian bedroom I was in earlier. A little girl was sitting in the corner, shaking horribly as she looked ghost-like. I take that back, she was a ghost.
"Don't do bad things." She had to be my exact age, as she sat in a masquerade dress and her arms were wrapped around her knees, rocking back and forth as her eyes told horrible stories of torture and pain. "He'll kill you. I'm next. I'm next!"
The floor dropped under us again, not screaming and instead just closing my eyes, we dropped onto harder, soft place. Opening my eyes, it was clothes. Getting up quickly, Colton grabbed a hold of me as there was a projected video on the wall.
"Colton and Dakota, so nice of you to join us." What was projected was a shark, moving lips as it talked. "Change. You'll join the others soon." The dark, icy voice was acting polite. It wasn't right, and wasn't normal. The projector went away as the normal glow filled the room.

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