And Then I Break

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Jisung's expression didn't change, but I saw a flicker of something in his eyes—disappointment, maybe, or hurt. But he didn't push further. Instead, he nodded slowly, as if he understood.

"Okay," he said softly. "But if you ever change your mind... I'm here."

With that, he turned and left, leaving me alone in the silent studio. As the door closed behind him, I felt a pang of regret, but I pushed it down. This was the right decision. It had to be.

But as I stood there, the empty room echoing with his last words, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had just turned away from something important—something that could have been worth the risk.

I grab the fabric of my shirt around my heart and my shoulders began shaking as I argued with myself not to sob. My breath came in ragged gasps. It was the first time in a long while that I lost control. I gathered my things and started to head for the door, but my legs gave out. My knees crashed into the hollow, wooden dance floor, making a hollow thud. "What the—" I hadn't noticed the tears streaking down my pale skin, soaking into the fabric of my shirt. My dark brown eyes seemed to darken even more, glazed over as if the person inside this shell was screaming out for help, crying out to be loved, to be supported, to be praised for the relentless effort I had put into everything. It was a moment of raw need that had just emerged, only to be quickly stifled.

As the room fell silent around me, I felt an ache in my chest that I couldn't ignore. I forced myself to stand, my movements stiff and mechanical as I wiped away the last of the tears. There was no room for weakness, no space for indulgence. I had to be strong, to be resilient. That was the only way to survive in this world.

The morning after my breakdown, I forced myself into the studio for another grueling day of practice. I arrived early as usual, determined to keep my focus and not let the previous night's emotional turmoil affect my performance. As the hours ticked by, I noticed an unusual buzz among the dancers, staff, and idols.

Jisung, who had been more observant and engaging lately, was talking animatedly with the management team. His enthusiasm seemed out of place amid the usual pre-practice routine. Curious whispers filled the air, and I couldn't ignore the growing sense of anticipation.

Finally, the room fell silent as the manager stepped forward with an announcement. "Attention, everyone. Jisung has suggested a get-together for all the idols, dancers, and staff. It's an opportunity for us to bond outside of work and build stronger connections."

A murmur of surprise spread through the room. I was about to dismiss the idea entirely, my mind already made up that I wouldn't be attending. The idea of mingling with everyone, especially after my breakdown, felt overwhelming. I was ready to retreat into my familiar world of practice and isolation.

But then, a pause in the manager's speech caught my attention. "I should also mention that this event is mandatory. Everyone's presence is required."


Hey, how is that water? Matter of fact have you eaten yet? Please do! Anyway keep reading:) I'll be making longer chapters soon sorry for all the ad interruption if you don't have premium;(

A Backstage Love I Han Jisung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now