meet&greet 1D

13 1 0

Lisa pov

Als het concert bijna is afgelopen zingen ze 'Story of my life' en beginnen ik en Bart te dansen. Ook Manuel en Rosa beginnen te dansen terwijl Victor en Viola weer staan te kussen. Deze avond kan gewoon niet beter. Als het concert gedaan is begint bijna iedereen in het publiek te huilen.

Haz= Harry Styles/ Li= Liam/ Lou= Louis/ Ni= Niall

Haz: "Hey nice to meet you and congratulations on your engagement Bart and Lisa"

Bart+Lisa: "Hello nice to meet you to and thanks"

Manuel+Rosa+Victor+Viola: "Hello"

Rosa: "Harry you were incredibly good"

Haz: "Thanks Rosa but the others were also good"

Li+Lou+Ni: "Oh thanks Haz"

Haz: "Its nothing guys so Lisa, Rosa, Viola, Bart, Manuel en Victor where you sleep tonight?"

Bart+Lisa: "In a hotel not far away"

Li: "What's the name of the hotel?"

Lisa: "Hotel Hilton"

Li: "Hè Ni is that not the name of our hotel?"

Ni: "I think so"

Lou: "so maybe we can go have a drink together and then to the hotel"

Manuel+Rosa+Victor+Viola+Bart+Lisa: "Yes that would be nice"

Lou+Haz: "So we go?"

Ni+Li: "If they want to"

 Manuel+Rosa: "ok gaan we mee of niet??"

Victor+Viola+Bart+Lisa: "Ok"

Ni: "What you say?"

Manuel: "That was Dutch"

Ni: "Ah okay Dutch is a strange language"

*iedereen schiet in de lach en Niall begrijpt er niets van

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