halloween night

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Its that time of the year again. Yes, Halloween. The day where the hell breaks loose. magic is on the run and in the evening ,when the clock straks 12 we fight against ghost and creatures of all kinds and species. or even. ...

soldier: damn it Merasmus I'm going to kill you .again!!

Merasmus: WAHAHA i like to see you try t- OW!!

(y/n): stop fooling around, just leave us alone already!

I said with a hand full of rocks, ready to throw another one at his head. Since he has torn my (weapon of choice) plus my magic magazine apart and I had zero defences left. I couldn't even use spells anymore.

sniper: save us the speech, you bloody wanker.

Merasmus: fools!! can't you see i -


A bullet hit the wizard right between his eyes, his body fell down into the abyss below and crashed into the rocks. Turning it to dust that disappeared into the wind. We could feel the magic fade and all the skeletons fell to the ground to pile up. The Monoculus disappeared and all the other creatures of the underworld seem to die a second time.

sniper: boom headshot!!

Spy: good shot mon amis

(my friend )

Sniper: thanks mate

He held his thumb up.

Medic: I'm glad zhats over.

Heavy: yeah but for how long?

He sighs and shook his head.

Spy: it will keep 'im away for at least few days.

(Y/n): probably not that long. Maybe he'll be back by tomorrow.

Pyro: mh mhmm

He nods in agreement.

Soldier: what just happened? Were is that wizard?

He eagerly looked around in the sky only trying to catch a glimpse of Merasmus .

Engineer: soldier he just fell down. We killed him. Didn't you see that happening a mere second ago?

Soldier: oh..... no, I did not.

Well back to the base then.

Spy: who is going to check Zhe aria?

( They do this to make sure all the magic disappeared and everything is back to normal)

Heavy whistled not wanting to do this.the Frenchman's eyes laid upon the young member of the team.

Spy: scout?

Scout: no way it was my turn yesterday, after the skeleton attack. Remember Frenchyman.

He pinshed his forehead and spy rolled his eyes.

Medic: alright I will do it.

Make a cup of coffee for me when I return bitte ( please )

Engineer: sure thing partner.

And so the rest heads of, leaving the German behind in the moonlight of the night sky.

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