dreams or reality

589 17 11

your P.O.V

I slowly woke up on a king-sized purple bed in a dark unfamiliar bedroom. The walls are completely painted in Black. The floor was made of a dark wood. The Candles are placed in silver candelabras with the blue/purple glowing flame.

some other old looking furniture was spread across the room. An old odd looking grandfather clock next to a desk. As I looked around I only found one window in the room.

It was rather large and didn't give me a view of the outside world. Instead, it showed me a full moon and (f/c) Galaxy.

(Yes the color changes between red and that color sometimes because of it's magic)

I got up from the bed

(y/n): where the hell am I?

I looked around ones more, inspecting the room with care.

I must be dreaming. This can't be real. This rooms so strange....

I walked towards the door. Grabbing the silver doorknob . I turned it but It appears to be Locked.

(y/n): crap I need a key.

I spotted a dresser in the corner of my eyes.

One by one I open the drawers one by one. But there was nothing that could help me escape.

I then walked over to the desk which was fully stocked with paper and writing materials. It also had a few paperclips flailing around.

(y/n): this might help

I grabbed some before I walked towards the door. I kneeled down to take a closer look at the keyhole. I bent the thin metal at its chape. Then I stuck it through the lock, it disappeared into red dust. making me jump backwards as well as back to my feet.

(y/n): looks like someone doesn't want me to leave.

I frowned.

At that moment A thick German accent greeted me.

Medic: hello frauwlein~

I jumped again and turned around.


My eyes roomed over him.

He looked different. He wears a black Combat Medic's Crusher Cap and Lab coat. DarkGray pants and gloves. Black leather boots, a dark red tie, and the amulet.

medic: do you know why you're here?

I know exactly why, but I can't let him know

(y/n): n-no...

I was able to stammer out

medic: I only need one more item to complete zhe amulet.

Do you know vhat zhat is?

he came closer, I backed away from him.

(y/n): no I don't.

he punched me up against the wall. Placing his hands on both of my sides, trapping me.

medic: I need you, you're my last item.

my eyes widened in shock

(y/n): but w-why me?

medic didn't answer me, instead, he bent forward to match my hight.he then leaned in, his lips made contact with mine. making my eyes wide in shock. he pulled away grabbing my chin with his gloved hand, stroking my cheek as he whispered.

Medic: because it needs to be zhe most precious zhing zhere is to me, and zhats you frauwlein.

I don't really know if I need to be flattered or scared.

I had no time to react or refuse to the next move he made as he smashed his lips roughly on mine again.

medic: AAAAAH!

He screams out in pain as he takes a step backward.

spy uncloaks, as the disguise fell he wiped his mouth.

Spy: Ew!

The stealth attack seems to have no effect on the medic as the doctor pulled the knife out of his back, his blue eyes turned glowing red of pure rage.

(if he releases his dark side he has red eyes .not Always glowing but if they are he has a very deep demonic voice like now)

dark medic: you filthy backstabber!

he hissed

spy: mon due!!

the doctor grabbed him at his tie and smashed him against the floor, in the center of the room Causing spy to yelp at the surprising strength of the Doctor and the rather sudden impact.

dark medic: vhere is she?!?

He Angerly yelled at the Frenchman.

spy: like I tell you.

dark medic: you are trying my patience!!

Spy smirked. He just sat there, not saying a word. He didn't want to give medic the satisfaction of gaining the information. He didn't want him to find (Y/n). Oh no. As one of her good friends, he would never even think of betraying her. After all, she's always nice to him and the other team members for that matter. She wouldn't deserve to be in the claws of the mad doctor.

Medic: fine you leave me no choice.

he raised his hand up, the room disappeared as spy got swallowed into a deep darkness.

The Frenchman's eyes turn black at that and his body shivered. He arched his back at the pain he felt.

dark medic: vhere is she?

Medic repeated his question. still in the demonic tone.

spy: in scouts house together with his mom, Zhanna and miss Pauling.

medic puts his hand down again, spy snaps out of the trance, he gasps for air and starts to cough

As his eyes turn back to normal.


dark medic: a little preview of vhat I'm capable of.

he grinned. As he walked out of the room, locking the door and sealed it with a spell.

Spy got up.

Spy: you can't do zhis. Leave her alone!!

He bangs on the door.

Medic calmed down. His eyes have turned back to normal.

But he isn't going to give up now.

Medic: I will find you (y/n). you'll be mine und mine alone.

Und if I can't have you, nobody will.

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