Black smog

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I looked out of the car window as we drive away from our base. I felt bad for leaving the others behind. but miss Pauling was right. I had to save myself no matter what. she told me it was going to be fine.our friends will be safe. they will slaughter the monsters, then they will be on their way to us. all I did was nod. my thoughts drifted off as she kept on talking. her voice suddenly faded, not reaching me anymore as I was to far gone at this point. the base became as small as the tip of a nail but I was still able to notice something. it was as clear as day and it was heading in our direction. a black mist rushed over the building, upon the landscape, and over the road. it crawls towards us.

(y/n):m-miss pauling?

I stuttered as I rudely interrupting her. mh?

she turns towards me for a mare second before turning her eyes towards the road ones more.

(y/n): s-something b-bad is behind us.

the black haired woman looks in the mirror. her green eyes shrink.

miss Pauling: what the hell is that?!

she stomps her foot down upon the gas paddle, forcing the car to move faster as she put it in 5th gear.

(y/n): WOW!

I tightly hold onto my seat as we speed over the rather bumpy road.

(y/n): I don't know what it is but it doesn't look good.

miss Pauling:damn right it doesn't! but spy's suspicions where right!it is after you.

(y/n): but why? what does it want?

I looked behind to check on the mist. it got closer.

(y/n): it's getting closer!

I started to cough as the air get thicker.

miss Pauling:t-this isn't mist... its smog.

she coughs uncontrollably while blinking. she tries so hard to keep the car on the road but its to hard. she can't see a thing. eventually, miss Pauling starts to cough so much that she can't even breath anymore. she passes out on the steering wheel.

(y/n): m-miss Pauling no!

I coughed as well. I took the wheel and tried to hold the car steady. I fought hard against my own lunges while all they needed was some air. my vision blurred and I also blacked out. the car lost control as miss Paulings foot still presses against the gas paddle. so the vehicle sped up and followed the road until it came to a stop against the landscape, crashing into the rocks.

I woke up after what seemed like forever. the black smog had gone but the air filled with something else. fog. the thick layer crawled over the dry land, blocking my vision in the process. it's like a big white blanket. my hands are barely visible.

I looked to my left. it took me a while before I could see that the driver's seat was empty.

(y/n): where the hell is she? miss Pauling?!

I called out to her . my voice echoes against the rocks, I waited but there was no answer. I decided it was better to get out of the car and go look myself. but as my hand reaches for the handle I find it jammed.

(y/n): perhaps the other door works.

I scooped over and tried to open the door on my left. I expected this one to open. but to my surprise it didn't.

(y/n): if this door is jammed as well then how the hell did miss Pauling-?

I reached my hand out. it touched the glass. so I moved lower to find the button.

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