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Engineer: okay. This is the plan.

He lays a map on the table. He placed figures on it and moved it around as he explained what everyone's position is.

Heavy: right. Now we will crush monsters.

Sniper: I still hate this...

The team looks up as soon as they heard bombs exploding, soon followed by shrieks of the creatures.

Demoman: move it, lads!

He runs over to the window.

Demoman: it's miss Pauling!

Scout: no way! She will kill herself! This is suicide!

He sprints to the spawn where he grabs his weapon.

(Y/n): Jeremy wait!

I ran after him. The others soon followed

Engineer: damn my plan is thrown out of the window.

(Y/n): does it matter at this point? We need to save her.

We all ran outside. The monsters stood around the black haired girl. She gasps as she nearly avoids one of the creature's hands.

Scout: hey! Knucklehead! Yes, you. Pick on someone of your own size.

The shadow-like creature turned towards scout and starts to follow the Boston boy by creeping over the walls and the ground. I took this opportunity to pills miss Pauling with me. Right before the other creatures could catch us we jumped into the spawn.

Miss Pauling: that was close. Thanks (Y/n).

She catches her breath.

Miss Pauling: now I see why you guys sound so troubled when you called me.

Heavy: Soldier! Watch out!

The American rocket jumps away from the claw that reached out to him

Miss Pauling: we need to help them!

We fell down as the ground starts to shake and a loud bang was heard.

I ran towards the door. It didn't open.

(Y/n): what the hell! Open up!

I pulled at the metal but it wouldn't budge.

(Y/n): Engie! Whats going on!?!

Engineer: the door is blocked. One of those things is throwing rocks at the base! Try to get out through the window!

(Y/n): we can't! The rocks are blocking it.

Engie pound for a second as he lets the sentry fire at the smaller creatures

Engineer: aw shucks! (Y/n), Darlin. Listen to me. You need to find your way through the underground tunnel. I will inform the others about it. But be careful!

(Y/n): O-okay! But what are you talking about -

Miss Pauling. Let's get moving!

We went inside the base. I felt my heart race as I heard the gunshots and shrieks from outside. The feeling of rocks slamming into the base. The ground was shaking but miss Pauling stayed calm as she guided us swiftly towards the exit. It's then that the black haired girl entered a code on the panel beside the door. This made the wall move aside. It revealed a staircase. Miss Pauling pulled me with her in a hurry.

(Y/n): where are we?

Miss Pauling: don't worry we won't go too far from the base.

(Y/n): where exactly? I don't recall this being here. And I certainly don't know where this is leading us to.

Miss Pauling: it's a secret passageway. Only the team, the administrator and I know about it.

(Y/n): I see... wait a tick. so the rest knows about this? Then why don't I? No one ever bothered to tell me anything about this.

Miss Pauling: that's because we only use it in case of emergency. Up until now we only had to use it ones. That was like 2 years ago so we thought it wouldn't be necessary to tell you. Besides your never alone in the base so one of the guys could have taken you here if it was necessary.

She climbs a ladder up and opens the trapdoor. I soon followed behind her.

(Y/n): so...

I looked around. We are a mile away from the base. I could tell because I still saw the buildings of both Red and Blu

Miss Pauling: I wish we could help them but I think its wise to put you to safety first.

(Y/n): what ?! Not you too!

Miss Pauling: the guys told me that that thing is after you. so we need to take you to a place it won't find you.

(Y/n): but I have to help the others.

Miss Pauling: you help them by staying safe. We won't get anywhere if they catch you.

I sighed deeply in defeat.

(Y/n): fine. So where do you suggest we go to?

Miss Pauling: spy said it would be wise to hide at scouts place. His mom will keep us company. Oh and Zhanna is there as well

(Y/n): you talked to spy? When? Do you know where he is?

Miss Pauling: it was a few days ago actually. So I have no idea where he is right now.

(Y/n): damn. We haven't seen him around lately. I am worried about him...

Miss Pauling; I get that. Don't worry. He will be fine. I'm sure of it. Now come on. We should go.

I took one last glimpse at the base before we walked into the other direction.

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