the sixth item

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When the time came we traveled towards the Local library. My jaw dropped. the building was enormous. almost like a mansion. Miss Pauling hopped out the car.

Zhanna: is this library?

She seemed as confused as I was.

Miss Pauling: what? oh yeah. this is the place.

she looks at her watch. It's currently 09:56.

Miss Pauling: they should be here-

Zhanna: Misha!

the Russian woman exclaimed. sniper parked the van. Heavy weapons guy steps out and opens his arms wide, allowing his sister to hug him.

Soldier: honey, I have returned-

zhanna releases her brother only to tackle soldier to the ground. she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him passionately. Misha sighs at this.

the other team members soon come in view as well, one by one the men each step out of snipers van.

(y/n): guys....

I was so happy to see them. I ran towards Demoman and hugged him tightly. the Scotsman stumbles back a bit as he didn't see it coming (quite literally. you run at him from his blind spot.)

(y/n): I'm so glad you are okay! I was so worried!

Tavish looks down, only to discover it's his Lass. a blush creeps over his face once you finally look up at him. he hands his bottle of scrumpy over at sniper before he picks me up and spins me around before pulling me in a big hug. At this point, I didn't care that he reeks of alcohol. I was way too happy to be able to smell it again.

Demoman: AH LASS! glad to see you are alright! hehe.

He pets my head before he places me on the ground again. I smile up at him before I move onto sniper. his face also heats up when I come closer for a hug.

Sniper: You really did miss us, didn't ya?

He chuckles in a deep voice.

(Y/n): of course, I did! I thought you died back there!

Engineer: you should know by now that we can take care of ourselves, young lady. There is no need to worry about us.

Dell gently strokes my hair. now it was my turn to join the already blushing mercenaries before me. Engie's touch is always so calming.

(Y/n): I am aware. but I can't help it. I just don't want to lose my family.

Those words seem to melt everyone's heart. they knew (y/n) was fond of them but they were happy to finally hear her say it how much they all mean to her.

Scout: we won't go anywhere toots. not for a long time. I am having way to much fun teasing you!

he pulls me under his arm and ruffles my hair in a playful manner.

I laugh at that.

Miss Pauling: I'm sorry to ruin this beautiful moment but we should get going. there is still plenty of work to do. so I suggest we go inside and try to find something that can help us defeat this thing.

Soldier: yes! Let's look for a nuke!

Zhanna: yes let's use bomb!

they both jump up and down in excitement like the lovable idiots they are.

Pyro facepalms and mumbles something unintelligible.

(y/n): an atomic bomb won't do much except kill us all and leave the undead alive. no soldier we need something equally as strong and less.... deadly for the once around us. and less destructive.

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