(y/n)s disappearance

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The next morning the large Russian man knocked upon (y/n) door.

Heavy: (y/n) are you awake? We made breakfast.

He paused and waited for an answer to come. But there were none.

The man knocked louder with a slight frown on his face.

Heavy: its no time for sleeping, little girl.

He boomed a bit louder but then again (y/n) didn't answer. This made Misha worry so he broke the door, sending it to fly against the next wall it in counters. He stepped in and looked around.

Heavy : (y/n)?

A sweatdrop rolled down his forehead as he checked if her bathroom door was locked which it wasn't. He pushed the fragile door open only to find it empty as well.

He runs back to the others who were in the kitchen. Ready to get some food in their stomachs.

Sniper: I thought you were about to get (y/n).

The new Zealander said as he looked up from his cup of coffee.

Scout: yeah. Did you forget to call her?

Heavy: no that's not it.

Demoman: then what is it, lad?

Heavy: she's gone.

Sniper spits his coffee out.

Scout: say what!?! No stop messing around buddy that can't be true!

Heavy: it is! She wasn't in her room!

Soldier: did you check the broom closet?

The other Red members felt silent at their panic. They all turned to look at soldier.

Soldier: why wouldn't she be in there. I would be in there.

Pyro: mmhm mh huhuhm.

He shakes his head.

Soldier: what?! Its nice in there.

Sniper: bloody hell...

Heavy: uhmm....

?: hey guys good morning.

Someone called out from the doorframe.

Heavy: little girl! Haha!

He picks her up and spins her around.

(y/n): heavy whats going on?

She pets the man's back.

Heavy: I didn't find you in your room so I thought that mean man took you away!

(y/n): you do realize I switched rooms with spy right?

The Russian raised an eyebrow.

Sniper: you spend the night with him?!

(y/n): nonono! I meant like we literally switched rooms. He slept in mine while I slept in his.

Everyone looked slightly confused at that.

Soldier: uhm... I don't see the point in that.

(y/n): me neither. But he insisted on doing so. Speaking of which where is that sneaky Frenchman?

Scout: don't say it too loud! He might be standing behind you...

He nervously looked around.

(y/n): he's normally never late for dinner. You said you didn't find anyone in my room. Right?

Heavy: net. I did not.

(y/n): that's odd... I will go look for him.

Engineer: after breakfast young lady

(y/n): but-

Engineer: no buts darling. You should get some food in your system.

(y/n): okay fine.

I sight as I made myself a sandwich

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