Chaper 6

383 20 6

Brandon POV

So she didn't stop me from kissing her? But then she grabbed my ass like I was a woman. Did she imagine I was one when we kissed? Thats sorta weird. So if I was to try and fuck her will she act like imma bitch and try to eat my ass? I'm just gone keep my distance for now just for awkward reasons.

I watched her the rest of the way down to the main floor. She didn't look back up at me at all. I found it sorta funny how embarrassed she was.

The door opened. We both exited the elevator and headed out to her car. She drove a Nissan maxima, it's nice. Once we got in she started the car and we drove off.

"I need something to cover my face just in case something actually happen." I said.

"We are going to a mall so just buy you one."

luckily I still had my wallet on me.

"We need to plan this out."she said.

"I know, I have one."


"When we get there I'll come in through the back and you come in through the side. While I go to buy a hat or some, you tell them to meet at the food court. There's a lot to hide behind in that area. I will peep it all from a distance but it wont be obvious I'm looking because I won't look. As soon as a gun get pulled someone will see and panic causing everyone else to run also. Thats when you run and I'll run up and shoot who ever have a gun or something. Then we both find our way out the back."

"Actually seems like a good plan but, what if you kill them and, be mindful about our fans."

"Fuck the fans right now ma... we gotta handle this but, ion know what we gone have to do but whatever it's not gone be good."

"But..." She stopped her sentence.

After that the ride was silent we was ready. I can tell she was a lil spooked about what's finna happen but it's whatever I guess cause she'll have to get over it.

She pulled into the mall parking lot and she drove behind the mall and I hopped out. She immediately pulled off. I rushed to the door and looked around for a few seconds for a store that might have what I need. Then I saw a hoodie on a mannequin in the display window. It was nice so I rushed in to find my size and buy it. I could simply put the hood on then pull the strings on it to tie it up.

"Welcome!" A worker said as I walked in.

I nodded my head in response then walked right to the jacket. It took a few seconds of searching but then I found my size. I grabbed it and took it to the counter to pay. The cashier and I had a small convo as I paid. I left the store and put the jacket on right away.

Not really doing this for her sake but I am doing this for my revenge.

I was running into hella people on accident of course. I just want to get to the food court on time.

I finally got there and spotted Angel. She was already with them. I sat in a chair not to far.

Oh shit! She never gave me back my gun. How can I get him. She not finna do it.

I looked back for a sec then Chantell look me right in the eyes.

Can this get any worse.

I saw Chan whisper something in 'I'm guessing' her brother ear.


Damn I jumped up and ran to the scene getting bumped into by others running away. When I got close enough I realized Angel ain't the one shot. She shot that nigga and, Chantell was so close behind him the bullet hit them both.

Impressive shot.

She just stood there with her eyes wide open and shaking. I guess seeing two people bleed on the ground was to much. Mainly because it was her fault.

"We gotta go!" I yelled over the voices of panicking people.

"I took the gun out of her hand then put it in my pocket.

"O-okay!" she said as if she was about to break down.

I grabbed he wrist then we ran.

She did my dirty work unintended. Didn't even know she had the balls to do this. I won't leave just yet... though I can go home now.

When we finally made it out she took the lead because I had no idea where she parked. We hopped into the car and drove off.

"I know how it feels to hurt someone with a gun and kill someone. I've done this a few times and it bothers the hell out of me but, look I know if you shot first he said or did something that I couldn't see and if so then don't feel as bad ight. He deserved it... both of them." I explained.

"Look I might dress like a dude but I still have emotional feelings like a bitch! I wasn't ready for this shit!!"

"I know ma.. I know." I said calmly.

"Now I got to live with this, this bullshit on the back of my mind!"

I didn't know how to respond because it wouldn't matter, she will still go off. I know how this feel. My first time pulling a trigger on somebody. The ringing sound in your ear from the gunshot. The hiding. Its not fun but I finally got a decent person I can relate to with this issue. I mean Herb has been around when shit has gone down but he ain't kill nobody.

All of a sudden we was parked in a dark alley with the headlights off.

Wait?! Is she trynna... nahh.

"Brandon can you help me?"she said with a weak voice.

"With what... you already handled this shit."

"my head hurts I just need help getting over this."

"Thats the thing... you can't and won't get over it. Believe it or not your a murderer."

"I only killed Micheal and injured Chan"

"You don't know if she will die in the hospital or where ever."

"Why are you trying to make me seem like the bad guy."

"Because you are the bad guy... you are the one who shot the gun."

"Thanks a lot... Brandon." I said sarcasticly.

She got out the car and went to sit on the Hood of it. I got out to stand next to her.

"Look ma, I know how you're feeling. I've killed someone."

"Then I'm glad that you can understand this emotion right now."

"I will help you hide... the police will be looking for you and it's best to not be at your house."

"Thankyou, again oh my God. I've really appreciated these few this you've done like help find Chan, was going to help kill Chan bro before I did, and now you're gonna help me hide."

"Don't thank me too much."

"You're amazing... I hope you know that."

I nodded my head in response. I was so tempted to kiss her and hop back in this car to show her a lil somethin.

"We gotta prepare for anything."

"I feel prepared when your around it seems."

"Wait.... are you flirting? I said."

"Maybe."she said with a smirk.

I smiled and called her a faggot then laughed at her. She didn't find it funny at first but then she began laughing also.

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