Chapter 4

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Brandon POV

At first that bitch drove me crazy in that car. She kept complaining but, when she calmed down she actually seemed pretty decent. I want to meet her again to see what she about. I mean after what happened between her and herb, she might not be the type. Well Herb and Angel started off on the wrong hands anyway so maybe it's just him. Let me see what his ass up to though.

I grabbed my phone and called Herb.

"Wassup Herbert?" I said laughing.

"Man don't call me by my gov." He replied then chuckled.

"Who is that?" Some girl's voice in the background.

"Man if you don't getcho nosey ass!" Herb said.

I laughed loudly.

Nigga you gotta bitch over? I said

"Actually no she my girl, Amber." He said.

"Damn that was quick nigga... first you trynna get some from Angel and now yo ass cuffed."

He laughed.

"Nahh man it's different."


"I been knew Amber, we went out in highschool."

"And what happened...?"

"Then I got big, earned some money, came back to school fresh as hell then some days later she said I went Hollywood and changed."

I started laughing at him.

"How come I never heard of her."

"Because we ain't even last a week together."

"Damn. Watch yo back nigga, who came back to who."

"I Came back to her but, you right because she prolly only came back for some dollars."

"Lil nigga gotta heart." I laughed.

"I mean I could be here without one. And man, I guess."

we both laughed.

"Man whatever I'll talk to yo ass later prolly." I said.

"Iight bet."

I hung up and walked towards my bedroom so I can lay. All of a sudden I hear the front door get forced open.

"Aye bitch I know you here!" A man said.

I quietly ran to my room and grabbed my 9 then positioned myself to shoot who ever came past my bedroom door without and hesitation.

I wasn't expecting this at all... I normally get a threat text or something in advance.

"Aye, his room is right here." A female said.

The fuck?! That voice too familiar.

"Nigga so you put my sister out on the streets, and you a part of that stupid ass No Limit shit! Y"

Chantell... wow, so now the bitch trynna get me killed, what else. I just want to get my ass up. I could hear them getting close to me room. My chest started racing yet I remained calm.

*ring ring ring*

"Retarded nigga forgot to put his cell on silent!" Another male said.

Little did they know I left my phone in my jacket by the front door. I could hear all of the rushing the other way.

The one time I'm glad ion have my phone. I went and opened my window. I was on the second floor, it don't look like the safest thing to do but, this way gives me a better chance of living so I'm going to risk it.

I placed my leg out the window and as I moved the other one I accidentally knocked over my glass cup causing a loud noise.

Fuck! I gotta hurry now.

"Man we ain't got times for yo games pussy!"

I could here them all rushing back this way again. I rushed my other leg out then jumped.

That was more intense then I expected. I landed on the bushes that's lined up on the side of my house.

I got up and rushed to hop the gate in my backyard leading to my neighbor's. Luckily it was midday so I can see everything. I was going as fast as I could.

Man Fuck that once I find out who that other nigga was I'm having my shooter handle this bitch.

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