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Chapter 15


Emmi's pov

I was walking with everyone to our seats. There was Katy, Shawn, Mr. Matthews, Mrs. Matthews, Auggie, Riley, Maya, and me. Katy was holding my hand as we walked to our spots. I saw Kermit. I gasped and grasped Katy's hand harder.

"It's ok." she said. I nodded and we sat down. Then court started.

No one's pov

Judge: Mr. Johnson you may start.

Mr. Johnson: Thank you. If I may call Ms. Emmi up to the stand.

*Whispers to Mrs. Matthews*

Emmi: What does that mean?

Mrs. Matthews: Just go up to the stand and answer his questions honestly.

Emmi: Ok! :)

*Walks up to stand*

Mr: Johnson: Now Emmi is it true that Kermit gave you a good environment to live with and food?

Emmi: No. He threw me in a dirty room with the walls peeling and didn't feed me. He forgot about me, unless he had some job for me or when he wanted to beat me. Oh or both.

Kermit: I object!

Judge: It's not your turn to speak.

Emmi: Thank you Mr. Judge.

Mr. Johnson: But he did provide you shelter right?

Emmi: I guess.

Mr. Johnson: Thank you, you may sit down.

Emmi: Ok.

*Sits down and turns to Auggie*

Emmi: How did I do Auggie!? I don't know what happened!

Auggie: That was amazing! I want to go up there!

Emmi: It was fun! You should!

Katy: Emmi. Sh!

Cory: Auggie. sh!

Emmi and Auggie: Sorry

Judge: Anyone else Mr. Johnson?

Mr. Johnson: No that will be it.

Judge: Mrs. Matthews you may go up.

*Walks up*

Topanga: I would like to call Mr.Kermit Clutterbucket up to the stand.

*Shawn chuckles in the background as Kermit walks up*

Topanga: Now Kermit, you say you don't abuse Emmi correct?

Kermit: Yes.

Topanga: Can you explain the scars covering her arms then?

Kermit: Probably fell or something.

Topanga: How come they look like belt whip scars then?

Kermit: idea.

Topanga: Oh I think you have an idea. I'll let you think about it as I call Emmi up.

Emmi: Yay!

*Runs up*

*Kermit rolls his eyes and balls his fist up*

*Emmi stops running and tenses up*

*Kermit sits down in his seat as Emmi takes the stand*

Topanga: Now Emmi. Can you explain what Kermit did to you?

Emmi: Well he beat me, whipped me, punched and kicked me, and cut me with a knife. Oh and he also over worked me. And he rarely fed me.

Topanga: Thank you, you can sit back down. That is all your honor.

Judge: Thank you we'll have the jury decide.

*Emmi turns to Maya*

Emmi: Maya how did I do?

Maya: *Laughs* Amazing!

Emmi: Thanks. That stand was fun! They have a really comfy chair up there. It's awesome!

*Everyone laughs*

Judge: The jury has decided.

*Everyone sits down*

Judge: Emmi will be in custody of...Katy Hart.

*Everyone on the Hart side cheers*

Kermit: What!? How!?

Judge: By the way you balled up your fist and she flinched.

*Kermit stands up and walks towards Emmi*

Kermit: So this is your fault! You caused this you screw up!

Emmi: S-sorry.

Shawn: Alright that's enough. You have to get through me.

Kermit: Ugh you again.

Shawn: Emmi get out of here.

*Kermit grabs her wrist*

Emmi: Ow!

Kermit: She's not going anywhere.

Judge: Call security!

Shawn: Just let her go.

Kermit: No. She's not even related to you! She's my daughter!

Maya: She's my sister! So she's related to me!

Kermit: Whatever. Stay out of Maya.

Shawn: Let her go now.

*Security come in*

*Kermit grabs Emmi around the neck*

Kermit: Stay back or she gets it!

*Everyone stops*

Shawn: Just let her go.

Kermit: No way! She goes with me or she dies right now. Make a path!

*Everyone gets out of the way*

Maya's pov

I'm keeping my promise! I have a plan. He started walking out. I left the room and went to the lobby. No one noticed! I grabbed a fold out chair and folded it up. He was walking backwards! Yes! He pushed the door out with his back. I saw the back of his head! I whacked the chair across the back of his head and grabbed Emmi. Everyone gasped. Emmi hugged me and cried into my shirt.

"I'm so glad you're ok!" I said as I hugged her back. Soon I felt someones arm go around my neck. I look over and saw Kermit had me AND Emmi! He dragged us out of the building and into his car.

"Get out of this car and I kill you and your whole family!" he warned us. I hugged Emmi close to me as he drove off. I heard cop cars behind us.

"Emmi put on your seatbelt!" I said strictly. She nodded and we both put on our seatbelts. I tightened both of ours as he drove. Then I felt a crash behind us. We spun off the road and crashed. That was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

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