Chapter 6 : proposal

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I stand frozen in my tracks as I just heard what my Father just said. Now carl is glaring even more now. I stump up to Dad and get in his face." WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SHE'S MY FIANCCE!!!" Dad giggle as he ushers laura and Dwight over." Take my son back home and throw his ass in an cell ."

I tried to break way but it did'nt work I cussing and swearing a they drag me away and Dad hel Jade back from reaching me as I was tossed into the back of the van with Daryl. He looks at me with an sympathetic look. I just sob as I realized my Dad has'nt changed one bit . Even before he was'nt this bad surely he scolded when I did something bad .

Now as I realize Ma wasn't here to stop him . Daryl held me as I cried . I looked up at him." Why does'nt my Dad love me ?" Daryl spoke." Yer Daddy died a long time ago that ain't an loving father would'nt pine after his Son's Girlfriend or Fiance that man is the devil."

I just sat there and Cried. Soon we reached the Sancturary. I was tossed into an cell Dwight looked at with an sadden expression he spoke." If you know It's best for you let her go she was already Negan's the moment he brought her here." I glared. He signs." Look all I'm saying if you kid it'll destroy you .

He leaves then I hear an familiar song play . It was a Dad use to play after he punished me. I just cry to myself hitting the wall and tearing my shirt . I pulled my knife I promised Jade that I would'nt harm myself like that again. But relapsed I just started cutting until I fell asleep.

I always suffered from Despession and the urge to hear my father say he was proud of me and he loved me for me . But the L word was rare it was like he loved his students more than when looked me I could all he saw was the one night stand that ruined his life and almost his marriage.

Mom knew my condition she never told Dad because he would'nt care. I never was truly happy until I met jade and her family. Now the family I formed was gone taken from me by the man who was supposed to love uncondionally Negan, My Father.

The pain was unbearable . I could barely breathe I was having an panic attack . I tried to pace my breathes . Suddenly I dropled to the floor and black out. I wss dreaming of woud could've been by now I would have been an senior in high school I wanted to join the marines because that what pop pop was and he was my hero .

I daydreamed about Mom's apple pie . I pictured Dad instead of being the bad guy I know instead he was an loving dotting Dad .


I woke up to the sound of his voice." Well shit . Looks like someone had an eventful night." I glared as I turned my back to him. He sat next to me ." Look I know that you had teenage aches for the Grimes girl but she's too old for you."I glare even more." She's 2 years older then me, let's call it like it is I'm finally happy and you can't handle it ."

Negan stands up. "Come with me kid ." I don't budge. Negan leans down." Do. Not. Make. me . Ask you again you know waht happens when I have to repeat myself." I get up and I look at Dad. His smile fade into an sympathetic look. He speaks." Where did those cuts come from?"

I look down in shame. We walk to room full of women with black dresses. Dad speaks up." LADIES there is someone I want you all to meet this Kendall but we call him Fergus ....He's my son ." They all look at me as they see my apearance . Dad walks up to an Redhead. Then to an brown hared woman . The redhead walks up to me .

"Hi Kendall I'm Frankie." I look down." I prefer fergus." She nods as she leads me to an room next my father's." This your new room , your Dad seen it nessesary as he says you're an danger to yourself." I glare." I'm fine ...I don't want to be near him." He walks up." Well too bad."

He continues." Frankie hear will be keeping an eye on you . Since she is close to an theraspist we have hear you're gonna be talking to her daily . No knives or pencils or pens if you have any hand them over." We go through the new room and laura and some other saviors go through and take out anything that I could use to hurt myself.

I sit with knees to my chest. Dad sits next to me on the ground." Why do always hurt me?" Dad giggles." I'm not hurting you kid you're doing that to your fucking self. I look at him." When can I see Jade?" He shakes his head." No time soon if ever she's mine now ."

I savior brings me a tray of food . Dad pat my shoulder." Eat up I mean it Frankie will tell me if you did'nt eat. I look at the woman she had an look that I'm sorry but now we're in survival mode. I just sat I could'nt eat nor drink everytime I always hear Jade's voice.

I woke up to Dad standing at the door." Rise and shine kid today is father and son day so get dress and find me when your done. I did as was told . I ran into a blond haired woman who was in the room with the other wives. She smiles." You don't to be afraid to talk to me fergus right?" I look down meeting new people always made me anxious.

She softly pulls my head ups." Never look down for anyone it'll make people think they can bully you well I hate bullies." She walks away. Dwight walks up." He's waiting for you in the meeting room." I nodded and walked in.

Dad if I could call him that is sitting at head of the table. He usher for me to sit. After sitting for 10 minutes he clears his throat and speak." How long have you been doing that shit?" I look confuse. He clarifies." How long you been hurting yourself. I answered honestly." Since I was 12."

He runs his hand through his hair. "You did'nt tell me ?" I glared." I told mom and when she tried to tell to you , you always blew her off saying that boys don't get depressed well jokes on you I had two suicide attempts and well Jade ...helped me and you took her from me."

He walks out . Comes back with Jade." Tell him." He orders her amd she looks at with sorrow and shame." I can't ." Dad scoffs and replies." You can and you will don't make go back and bash your brother's skull in." She grabs my face and with tears as she removes the ring that lori gave me ." I'm sorry Fergus. It's over as she is escorted back by Sherry.

I look at Dad." Why Dad. Why?" He shrugs." To help you get over her now kid you'll thank me one day." I just put my head down. Dad giggle as he says something that sets me off." Don't worry there are plenty of girls here that are fucking tight like her. I punch him in the jaw. After everyting went black.


I woke up with an painful headache . Doctor carson handcuffed me to tje bed ." What is this ?" I rasp out . He responds." You had an psyhotic break when some men got in the room found your father holding you down you had attacked him and attempted to use his knife to kill youself by slitting your throat he stopped you."

I yell." WHY WON'T YOU FUCKERS LET ME DIE!!!" Dr . Carson walksout. Frankie walks in. She sits next to my bed." I heard what happend doing these things to yourself isn't going to make you feel better." I ignore her.
"When can I get out the restraints?" Frankie tell she's not sure.

"You're on suicide watch later tonight they're moving you back to your room as in to keepan secret that Negan's son had an breakdown. I went back to sleep. I woke up this time Dad was sitting in the chair." Let's talk...Son."

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