Jade wakes up. She looks around Rick is sitting next to her Carl is sitting at the door looking at her . Michonne is reading an book and Negan is standing with an foot propped against the wall eating an can of fruit."
She panics as she rubs her stomach." Fergus ?!" Everyone looks her way Rick rubs her hair." Hey sweetheart you're alright we're here." She looks around ." Where is he ?" Rick looks at her saddened." He's in bad shape we had to resuscitate him 6 times already."
Jade goes to move her are but winces. Michonne tells her to be careful. Negan walks up and hands Jade the can." I can't have and the baby dying of lack of food here it'll help you with the blood loss." Jade thanks him and starts to eat them at an fast pace.
Michonne laughs." Slow down you're pregnant but not a pig." Rick looks at his Eldest Daughter head and fumes." What happend to her head why does she has stitches?" Negan repsonds. "Calm down Ricky it's been handled me and Fergus squared it out ."
Rick yells." WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!!!!" Negan gets in Rick's face." Calm down Prick I did'nt do shit she was attacked and Fergus beat the hell out of the guy."
Jade grabs Rick's hand." Dad it's okay really Negan and Fergus saved me now please I don't my child's grandfathers trying to kill each other they're going all the father figures they can have in case...." . Jade started to cry as she thought about Fergus.
Carl comforts her." Sis, he's gonna be okay he's survived worse things than this." She nods. As Rick's ask to speak to Negan alone. They walkout . Michonne takes the spoon and feeds Jade the fruit.
"How can you put up with him?" Michonne ask. Jade shrugs." I mostly ignore him but when atleast he starts to talk about fergus." Michonne looks." So, you and Negan are together even though you're pregnant with his grandchild?"
Jade frowns." I did'nt have an choice heforced into it he does'nt force me to sleep with him if that's what you thinking." Michonne nods as she wipes Jade's face ." I can imagine how fergus feels."
Jade looks at Michonne as the woman knows what Jade is gonna say." It's happening again his suicidal attempts but it's worse what he told one of Negan's other wives frankie." Is that he lost his smile and wanted to take everyone elses I think he had an psychotic break."
Michonne looks concerned." He can't go back with Negan neither one of you." Jade looks sad." I don't have an choice." Negan walks back in ." I'm out of here you're staying here I'll be back for you tomorrow."
Jade nods. "Okay , what about Fergus?" Negan tries to hide tears." He could'nt make the trip if he want to I don't know if he's gonna...-". Jade stops him." He's gonna be fine he's a strong man."
Rick walks back into Jade's room with an pillow and blanket. Jade looks." Daddy I'm fine ." Rick shakes his head." Nope I'm sleeping in here with you an dbeside I want to be close if something happens with fergus." Negan hands Rick an letter for fergus." In case he wakes up and I'm not here."
Negan kisses her forehead. And leaves as he walks out . He stops at Fergus's room where Allie and Lacey cry and he's just lays there not moving his chest rising and falling . He just sits there.
" It's okay kiddo Daddy's here I'm sorry that I told Arat to shoot she went over board don't die on me okay you have plenty to live for you just don't realize it."
" I have to admit you were dealt a shitty hand at parents and I hated your Mother cassandra she was an evil spiteful bitch but how could an innocent child come from her?"
Allison comforts Negan. "It's okay Daddy he knows you love him." Negan cries ." Does he because I barely showed it I was always on his ass for something and no matter what he did to win my love I made him feel like he wasn't good enough to the point he tried to kill himself all because I thought he was an burden and I hated him ."

Fanfictionday at the lineup Negan , intorduces himself to Rick's group . after he kills two member he stumble upon A girl Jade Grimes an 18 year old girl . he starts to make plans before he see an bi racial boy that he hoped that he would'nt see again. Fergu...