Chapter 8 : Therapy

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I stayed frozen in place as Dwight approached Jade and escorted her back ." C'mon Negan wants to see you in his room." Jade looks back at me ." I really have to talk to you." I looked puzzled but nodded. Allie walks up and punches me hard enough to send me falling to the ground.

I looked up at her angrily and clutch my jaw." WHAT THE HELL MAN WHAT WAS THAT FOR ?!! Allie kneeled." You fucking idiot. did'nt I say not to run. I glared." You can't stop me from leaving ."

Allie smirks and pulls out an walkie." Daddy I need some guys at the gate we had two runners." Dad radios back." I can take an guess who they were put em in the cell for the night see if they have their thinking cap on in the morning ."

Two saviors come and drag me and Lacey to the cells. Frankie walks up." Damn it what the hell did you two do?" I answered." I'm trying to Lacey back to her Uncle." Frankie responds." Rick Grimes he's alive ?" I nodded.
Frankie looks at Lacey." I'm taking her back to her room."

One the saviors respond." Negan said for her to be put in an cell. I shout." You're gonna take her back to her room that's an order. The savior looks and shrugs as he walks Lacey back to her room. I am led back down those halls then to the corridors.

We reached the cells and Dad is waiting for me . He swings his bat on his shoulders as he frowns and tosses me in the cell. He walks in . And shuts it ." I really thought you were coming around but the stunt you pull tonight you tried to run off with that redhead ,one of my wives and not only that escape."

I stand up and look Dad dead in the eye." She's not yours will never be yours for years I was scared of you , but never give you the satisfaction of knowing you always terrified as an kid but now you're ...pissing me off." Dad right hands me.

" JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOUR TALKING I'M STILL YOUR FATHER BOY, I BROUGHT IN THIS FUCKING WORLD AND I'LL TAKE OUT OF IT!!!" I smile." Go ahead do it you'll be doing me an favor because you took me away from my family and took my girlfriend away from me as of now ...I'm an man with nothing to lose."

Dad frowns and stares me down then, he smirks." No, I'm not going to kill you , you're my son and well...being alive is enough punishment for me this your punishment ". He leaves the cell . Leaving in darkness. I sob as this was too much I lost too much already .


I was brought back to my room and of course Frankie was there waiting for me . I scoffed." I still have to do this shit ?" Frankie nodded. "So where do we begin have you been eating properly?" I nodded. She smiles." Good ." She write what I say down. I pace around the room." This is stupid I don't need an fucking shrink let along an fake one ."

Frankie responds." You know your father does love you." I looked and scoffed . "He always had an funny way of showing it as a kid he never once told me he loved me he always admired his students more than and nothing I did never compared to daughter dearus."

Frankie asked me another question." How was the relationship with your Sister as an kid?" "Allison and I weren't but a couple of years apart but we coexisted at home." Frankie asks me another question." Why did you self harm?" I froze. It was an question I did'nt know the answr to.

I was dome talking." Please can we stop?" Frankie nodded. She left. Laura waks in . " your Dad wants you see you ." I ignore her . She signs." You know It's hard getting use to a new place and you and your Dad have been apart for years but I know Negan loves you he may not show it."

I look." Laura have you ever felt that you weren't wanted by your Dad did he come home and the first thing he did was yell at you for stupid reasons or you wanted to play catch like any other father and son but preferred to enjoy those things with your sister how would that make you feel?"

Laura responds." Neglected." I smile and laugh ." Exactly....Now fuck off ." Laura looked a bit hurt but nodded and left. I sat in my room and just
Thought about what Rick and the others were doing Maggie probably hated me amd did'nt blame her . My Door busted open it was Dad.

"Did you make Laura cry ?" I was shocked I never intended on hurting her feelings I just was done with the situation." I wasn't trying to but I wish everyone get the fuck off my back. Dad orders meto follow him. We are outside he hands me an sandwich. He cut it into an triangle like Mom use to.

"I did'nt forget kiddo." He said as we stood and looked as the men unloaded their stolen goods. Suddenly bullets ring out and two men fall to the ground. Dad covers me. Then he checks me for bullets.

I hear an voice I know all to well." I'm here for Negan he killed my friends , kidnap my brother in law and sister I only want Negan no one else has to die. I signed as Dad picks up his bat and walks over the truck where carl is ." Well look at you with that big machine gun did you pick that because it looks cool you totally did did'nt you "?

Carl shoots again Dad dodging and Dwight grabbing carl to the ground. Dad gets up ." Where are my manners here kid take my hand." Carl hesitates." Kid really it's because of me you still have an hand." Carl listens. Dad tells him to follow . Carl sees me." Fergus '?" I smile." Hey Brother ."

We hug and Dad scoffs." Come on boys let's take a little walk."

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