Dad was this bat-wielding dictator this whole time. He killed those people forced them to work for him. Now he stands infront of me smiling . He he ran his to my cheek and he ...hugged me. "Fegus my boy ,you're alive." I pulled away from him . He looked hurt.
"These people you're gonna let them go ." He looked at me our nose touching." Nope. I ain't gonna do shit boy , best you not try to order me around remember I'm your Father." Jade looked at me shock and glared." He don't look like an nice football gym coach to me ."
Dad walked to her ." Honey you got a mouth on you now I'd shut it because I would love to do many things to you but killing you is a the bottom still on it though. He laughed as looked at me and Rick."
Wow Rick, looks like we're in laws my boy and your girl bumping uglies , man kid who knew you had it in you . you always let you're mom fucking cuddle you like a weak pussy I thought you would've turned out to be Gay ."
"Dad please stop harrasing my father in law and girlfriend ." Negan glared ." Boy how many times do I have to tell you stop bossing me around ... sit the fuck down. I listened I knew what happend if Dad had repeat himself I learned that as a kid ." He started pace and whistle.
He stops and turns." I most certainly cannot decide I have an idea." He points at rick . "Eenie .
Meenie .
Minie .
"Dad your acting like an kid."
"Shut the hell up Ferguson ."
CatchAn tiger .
By the toe .
If he hollers.
Let him go.
My mother .he points at me . God I leave grandma out this. danm I could go for some of her brisket.
Told me .
Pick the very
Best one
And you . He points to jade .
Are he gets to maggie.
Then I get to me . I know I was gonna be it and well I told jade I love her . She begins cry silently . He knew I'd die by the hand of the man that was suppose to make sure I lived the man who was my protector. I never apologized for the crap I did as an idiot kid.
"It". I closed my eyes . I started to cry to myself where was mama would really let him bash my head in it would'nt the first time he came close hitting me. I guess he really going to make me the next marvin gayed .
"Anybody moves anybody says anything I'll cut the boy's eye out and feed to his father then we'll start you can breathe you can blink , you cry hell... you all are gonna be doing that ." He brought the bat down .
I waited to feel the bat but I was confused I heard him bring the bat down. I opened my eyes and saw he hit Abraham . I look at Dad with sad eyes and he couldn't be bothered to . He busy making fun of my friend ." Woah look at that taking it like a champ.
"Suck. My. Nuts." Abraham muttered out before Dad hit em again. He kept bashing his head over and over again. He laughed and mocked him the whole time." You guys here that he said suck my ha.ha. phew." He went back to hitting Abraham .
" oh my goodness look at this ." He swung the bat blood splatting on my face , jade's and Rick's. Jade grasp to rick's side she was always a daddy's girl they are really close ... we are close I don't know after tonight. Dad walked up to Rosita ." Lay eyes on this sweetheart...oh ,y were you too together if so that sucks , he was red and forever will be red so . Take. A. Danm. Look. I SAID TAKE A DANM LOOK!!!"

Fanfictionday at the lineup Negan , intorduces himself to Rick's group . after he kills two member he stumble upon A girl Jade Grimes an 18 year old girl . he starts to make plans before he see an bi racial boy that he hoped that he would'nt see again. Fergu...