Chapter 10 : Shot heard around the world.

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We walked into Alexandria . Some people stared at me with malice an dsome with sorrow. Jade walks to me." Ignore them you're not an monster." I looked at her what if I am .?" Jade looked disturbed." What has he done to you ?" She asked.

I looked ." He has'nt done anything to me ,The only one he's been doing is you ." Jade looks at me ." That's not how it is ." I look at her." Then what is it because Dad clearly hinted you guys have been sexual have you not?" Jade lookd ashamed I walked away.

"That's what I thought." Soon we reached Rick's house. Dad knocked on the door. Olivia opens." Great Great GREAT WHERE'S RICK?" Olivia responds." He's out scavenging for you ." Dad shrugs."cool I'll wait ." She responds." He went pretty far he might not be back today we're practically starving ."

Dad point while smiling ." You mean you by practically not really." Olivia starts to cry. Dad looks back at me and Carl." Really ?!" Jade glares." Apologize ." She whispers . He signs." Excuse me, what's your name again ?"

Olivia spits out through sobs." Olivia!" Dad signs." Olivia I am sorry for just being rude to you just now looks like were going be here for an while for your fearless leader to return and if you like I think it would be enjoyable to screw your brains out if you're agreeable to it ?"

I was suprised at what that I could barely contain my laughter . Olivia slaps my Dad but he just shakes it off and leans in to her more." I am about fifty more into you now ...just sayin" . I shake my head as I nearly puke.

"I'm just going to put m feet up and wait for my stuff here." He turns as he get an idea." Olivia will you be an lamb and make us some lemonade? now I know I left ya'll some of that powder stuff ." She goes to speak but Dad cuts her off.

"MAKE IT ...make it take your time and make it good." She walks away. Jade speaks as she feel an glass cup with water." Why would you say that and hurt her feeling you're such an asshole." Dad glares." Uh ah no speaking speak when spoken to."

"You people have no since of humor ." Jade shrugs." You did'nt have to bully her like that you absolute dick." " was just joking I mean allie would've thought it was funny."

Jade glares. "That wasn't funny all you did was poke fun at her for fucks sake . She was going to drink some water but Dad suddenly snaps and slaps her cup out of her hand and grabs her wrist.

"DO NOT QUESTION HOW RUN THINGS I OWN THIS PLACE , THE PEOPLE , AND ...YOU !!" Jade starts to cry. "Please Negan stop remember." Carl jumps in ." Pipe down one eyed wonder the adults are talking I mean you're supposed to be one but your acting like an child .

Carl tries to defend his sister but Jade stops him." It's okay carl I got it we're just talking .
Dad continues ." I own you and everyone else got it?!"

Jade responds." Yes I understand ." He lets her go." Good now clean up this mess I want it spotless." As walks up to carl ." Kid show me around ." I walk up and Dad walks up to me I glare as I stand face to face. Dad smiles." You got problem...son?" I ball my fist but Jade shakes her head.

I back off. Dad pats my cheek." That's what I thought. He walks away. Jade cries as she pulls off her heels and start to clean the mess . I knelt to help her she tries to grab my cheek but I pull away. "You made your choice."

She responds while breaking down." Danm it I never stop loving you he forced me to marry him but my heart is still love for you." As much I wanted to grab her and hug her I shake my head. She hurt me but I stilled loved her I'm not an simp but I truly loved her.

I looked with an disappointed look." There is always an choice and you chose not to fight not for you . Your Dad. Judith. Carl. Nor for us if lori was here...". Jade cut me off.

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