Chapter 14 : All Out War begins

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After Jade snuck back to alexandria with Daryl . I stayed and pondered over some feelings I had I was learing the traing younger native american boys were when they reached an certain by my newly found Cousin ... Alex Cloverleaf.

He was teaching me defenses and combat skills our ancesters passed down to us . He even started showing how to use an tomahawk and knife in combat . He notice I was'nt all there." Come sit down cuz tell me what's on you mind ?"

I looked the playing and noticed they were happy I smiled." I want my child be happy ad carefree liked that but right now no one is listening my wife left me to go back to alexandria." Alex run his hand through his hair." Listen Wolfcub , do you love her ?" I nod." More than anything."

He smiles." It's not she does'nt believe in yoy it's just you's not believing in yourself." I knew he was right I was always tough when came to pass foe but it was different this time." Alex you know who the leader of Saviors our?" He nodded.

"Your Mom always had an thing for the older men and bad guys but Negan was a decent guy I always thought he was a little too harsh on your Mom when came it to you everyone in the family and reservation." I shrugged.

"My Mom was'nt all too good either if you guys knew the hell she put me through she would've been shunned and disowned." Alex asks me an question ." You're going after your woman aren't you?" I nod as I get up to go in my house and pack my things." She pregnant with my child ."

Alex nods as he hands me something and I open the bag.

Alex nods as he hands me something and I open the bag

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I looked there was an newly craft knife and tomahawk. Alex smiled." I was going to wait after you finished the training but now that war is coming you're gonna need it ." I hugged him and go to fetch a horse.

I set out hoping I can reach Alexandria before the battle pops off enought o hide and protect Jade ,Carl, and Judith. Today was the day my Dad dies and I somehow was sad about it .

...the night earlier...

Jade had made it back home to Alexandria Eric was watching Judith. She goes upstairs and Showers she looks in the mirror noticing her stomach is getting bigger she rubs it . She gets in an oversized shirt and gym shorts.

Eric looks at her and smiles." You're getting bigger everyday." She playfully panics ." Is that an bad thing ?" Eric laughs." Nope just showing that your baby is healthy ." Jade grabs an apple and water heading outside .

The group had returned. Rick was suprised to see Jade there. He hugs her." What are you here I thought we'd agreed that you would stay in the Kingdom."

Jade shakes her head and signs." It's too much there I tried Dad I really did but it's depressing there." Rick nods." We have to talk about you and Negan." Jade shrugs. "He told me everything why did'nt tell me you were almost raped?"

Jade looks down." I did'nt want to I did'n think it was important ." Rick raises his voice." You did'nt think it was importan tI'm your Dad it's my job to protect you and he told me you guys had SEX WHAT GOT INTO YOU!!"? Jade glares." Thanks Dad i nice to tell everyone I had fucked the enemy ."

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