Jade and I followed Dad to his office. I couldn't stop looking at Jade in that dress. It was sexy, but I would prefer she dress more modestly in front of my father. I mean come on, who gives their son's girlfriend a too-revealing d?ess?
We sit on the couch as Dad takes a seat from on the other side of us. Jade looks at me as I can't stop staring at her cleveage she nugdes me ." Hey you, stop not infront your Dad ." Negan I mean dad hears." Shit, darling I don't mind the view either. "I glare." So, now we got davey taken of it's time we discuss what why we're Dad ."
He smiles and let's a giggle ." See I like this Fergus badass and straight to the point and not some little mama's boy." He gets up and sits on the arm of the chair as he points his bat. "You my dear boy are here because well you're my son and you belong with me , Dollface on the other hand is here because of leverage so her Daddy does'nt try no not today not tomorrow bullshit with me and well she's nice to look at ."
I glare as I can't bare the fact that My Father Negan is interested in my girlfriend but he would'nt do that to me ...right . "Rick would'nt dare to put his kids in danger ." Dad smiles and get up." Good , now that's out of the way I am sorry Jade for what I did last night ."
I look at her and back at Dad." What did you do"? Jade looks embarrassed." He brought to a room it had an nice bed and couch he asked me if I liked it I said yea and he told that we were goind to be sharing it and he started to cricitsize my Dad's way parenting me ,carl and jud- ." I stop her their I did'nt want him to know about rugrat .
I looked at him." You making passes at my woman ?" Negan just shrugged." I was kidding ...at the moment then little miss fiesty pants starts hitting me and so dwight and simom put her in the cell to cool off besides I just thought Prick knew better than to not to teach his kids any manners ."
Dad continues to run his glob." Here your options kenny. 1. You work for points here and struggle to get by as a bottom feeder but I can't guarantee your safety . 2. You work the fence .3. You accept your role as my son and you don't have to do anything but learn how to run this place by me as my successor an all that fucking shit.
Choose wisely your options will determine how your stay here and there is no option four." I look and think." Where's daryl why you got em here?" Dad responds." Well Daryl is gonna make an good soldier for me one day I just got to break him first."
Jade lookss at Negan . "What about me Negan. When can I go home or when can I see my family?" Dad thinks and looks at his clock then he picks up his bat. "Not time soon doll." Jade starts to cry and I begin kiss her forehead and hug her as she sobbed in my chest ." It's ok Jade , I'm gonna get you home to Rick ."
Jade looked at with confuse look." How ?" I looked at her and then at my father who was sipping on whiskey ." Dad ?" He looked." What is it sport?" I fake an smile." Option 3." He smiles. As he hugs me ." Now, we can be a real family."
A savior shows me a room and it's a decent room. "It's the second biggest room we got." I nodded. Jade sits on the bed as I lookk in the fridge. Whatdo you guys have around for food?" The savior responds." Well sir, we have chicken tonight but we have other things such as steak-." I cut him off.
"Bring both medium rare for fiance." Jade looks at me . I sit next to her." I promised your Mama that I would help your Dad to protect you ,Carl, ajd rugrat that's my plan ...Jade Maria Grimes will you be my ...wife ?" She teared up and hugged me ." Yes I'll marry you ."
I kiss her and she jumps in my lap . I begin to move kisses to her neck and she softly moans. I run my hand through her dark brown hair as She unbuckles my belt and yanks my pants down . I remove my shirt as she lowers her dress and soon we're under the covers . I move in and out as jade hold onto as if I was her only life support .
Soon I'm positioned behind her I feel my climax is near so lean into her like she was the only thing in the universe. "Jade ?" I said in a gasp she soons is on top of me riding me to the moon and back. She leans in and whispers in a seductive tone." Cum for me baby." I pick up the pace as her moans got louder and soon we both released .
She climbs off of me and lays next to me nuzzled on my chest. We soon fall asleep . Just as we fall asleep. Dad and two saviors burst through the door with food in tow . Me and jade quickly cover ourselves. Dad looks a bit embarrassed." Well I just thought we'd had dinner together." He giggles .
I look at him with seriously expression." Can you and your men leave so me and my soon to be wife cam get dress?" Dad looks suprised ." Well shit . Look at you already planning to make me granddaddy don't let me stop ya." He left and we got dress .
Dad sat at the table removing his jacket as jade is now dressed in some shorts and oversized shirt. I sit at the table . Dinner was ackward to say the least. Dad was the first one to break the silence. "Well if it makes you feel better I always drea,ed of the day catching with an girl oh boy if your mom was here she would lose her shit ."
I knew if Mom was she would be heartbroken of seeing the man she loved become murderous psychopath. I just nod and look at Jade who offered an warm smile god damn I love this girl. I want her to be with her family safe sound not in a place that looks like this.
The next morning . I was woked by Dad walking in my room ." Hey lovebirds get dress we're making an trip to Alexandria. Jade glared ." You said an week it's only been a couple of days." Dad looks at her." Put on that dress and two it's to see how your dear ole daddy is cooperating , and to rub it in his face that I have you ."
Jade asked one more question." Whay have'nt given me any options like Fergus?" Dad just smiled like chesire the cat." In time darlin , you'll get your answer until then get breakfast and let's get ready to move out ." He leaves.
We reach the trucks where the saviors our waiting as we walk by the workers kneel to me . I find it kind of cool but dehumanizing . Dad sees us but I saw Daryl and as I try to speak to him Dad stops me . "Nope . He off limits .
Now your girlfriend she rides with me an dwighty ,you ride with simon." Before I could eject he already put Jade in the truck and drove off. I climb in the truck with simon . "Hey kid, good to see ya I am impressed you managed to beat davey boy I mean you fed him his balls literally and metaphorically . Simon stopped talking and off we drove.
We reached Alexandria safezone amd Dad was the first out.
He went up to the gate and banged.

Fanfictionday at the lineup Negan , intorduces himself to Rick's group . after he kills two member he stumble upon A girl Jade Grimes an 18 year old girl . he starts to make plans before he see an bi racial boy that he hoped that he would'nt see again. Fergu...