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Chas pov:
Ethan wake up baby huh wake up what I'm up I haven't heard from Cameron maybe he's with the guys no he said that 3 days ago and I had forgot about cam well have u tried calling him um no let me try u dialed his number over and over but no answer I'm worried Ethan what if something bad happened to the guys and cam don't worry call Nash or Hayes they might know ding dong the door bell rand I opened and saw can omg cam where were u I was worried um I was in jail for 3 days and they didn't let me contact anybody omg cam why cause I was a little to drunk he Said well at least your OK cam did u guys do anything while I was gone he asked well um.. what Chas I'm PREGNANT I SAID REALLY FAST but cam heard anyways what did I tell u Chas I'm very disappointed in u but your my little sister and I love and support u and I'm happy I'm going to be an uncle he said and u better take care of my sister Ethan Grant Dolan I will Cameron well u better cause if u don't I'll beat the soul out of u OK have that clear stop cam your scaring Ethan OK I'll stop well I'm gonna take a shower OK OK then he gave me a kiss on the forehead like always he's the best big bro he aways sings to me when I feel sad he does Ethan asked oh did I say that out loud yeah u did well he does sing and he's good at it OK I'm good to Ethan said OK then sing for me I said OK then he sang my favorite song and trust me it was horrible but he's just so cute and charming so I don't care if he's not good at it because to me he's perfec.

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