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Chas pov:
So we went down stairs and gray and Jenn were all cuddled up awe look at u too I said oh hey Chas what was all the screaming Jenn asked oh just settling things with cam oh how'd it go well not how I expected since I fainted but he ended up understanding I said oh that's good Jenn replied yeah so we were picking movies and couldn't choose so which one do u choose she asked well I don't know how but u Ethan umm idk u gray well I wanna watch saw omg me too Ethan said omg I hate that movie I said I don't wanna watch it I said oh
Come on Chas Ethan whined to me no u know I don't like scary movies I said please babe
No please no no no Jenn said oh come on baby gray said to Jenn no gray it's scray movie and I'm gonna be really scared and so is the baby Jenn said but Jenn the baby won't even see the movie yeah but... come on pls Jenn OK OK fine she said how but u baby Ethan said I need a strong brave man to take care of me then I'll decide to watch it I said OK then CAMERON HEY CAM Ethan screamed why r u calling cam I asked well u said u needed a strong brave man to take care of u and we'll cams the only man here he said i meant u silly I said and pecked him on the lips please Chas for me Ethan said Giving me the puppy dog eyes OK fine but your gonna protect me OK I said OK babe don't worry I'm always gonna be your knight in shinning armor he said OK I giggled OK so gray pressed play and Jenn just hid in back of gray while I was cuddled up with started getting really scary and I just hid on the scary parts and Ethan hugged me tight gray I'm scared I don't wanna watch this anymore Jenn said don't worry Jenn it's only fake gray said then a really scary disgusting part came on gray I don't want to watch it Jenn said starting to cry then gray pressed stop quickly I'm sorry baby gray said she just cried Jenn calm down I said walking to her she let go off gray and hugged me Chas but I remember everything she said omg Jenn I'm so sorry r u OK I asked no I'm not I hate those memories she cried what memories baby gray said and she just cried into his arms do u wanna talk about it princess gray asked she just cried gray it's hard for her just stay away from that topic OK when she's ready she'll tell u OK gray OK I just want her to feel safe I'm sure u do gray but it's really sensitive topic OK I said OK he replied Ethan I'm tired let's go to sleep I asked OK babe let's go oh gray u guys could stay in the guest room OK OK thanks Chas your welcome gray and goodnight ,goodnight he replied...

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