He Meets Your Parents

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A/N: I haven't updated in actual ages, sorry!

But I'm back with a new exciting part,

As long as I get votes which will impress me:)!



Ashton: This was a really special day for both of you, you were excited but mainly nervous and wouldn't like to know what Ash was feeling right now. It was the first time he was going to meet your parents and the plan was to go to the new American diner just on the edge of town. He was to arrive at yours any minute now. You brushed your dress down flattening it out, it was a simple black laced body con dress from Topshop, one of your favourites. Then there was a knock at the door as you began to rush down the stairs, your mother answered... 'Hello Ash, your looking very handsome, please come in.' Ash smiled with that bright and charming smile he always showed off around town. He didn't notice you at the top of the stairs but seemed to have already started a conversation with your parents so you stood back and let them get on with it. Smiling happily after about 2 minutes, you walked downstairs stumbling ever so slightly in your heels then arriving at the bottom, greeted with an extremely happy and charming Ashton Irwin. You were very excited and your nerves had disappeared because you knew it was going to be a good night where everyone enjoys themself.

Luke: It was cinema night for you and Luke but also your mother and father... This was going to be exciting, you thought, as you pulled a pair of grey high waisted jeans from your wardrobe and a white belly top. You were about to shower when your mam and dad walked through the door, 'Luke is still coming isn't he?' Your mother asked, 'Yeah of course, is Fast and Furious 7 booked now?' They both nodded their head and walked out. You jumped quickly in the shower (quicker than ever) then once coming out, received a text from Luke himself, reading
Y/N, I will be another half an hour or so then I will be at yours babe, I bet your looking gorgeous;) see you soon, love you, Boo x
He was a cutie, but also a cringey, but you loved him. You had just finished styling your hair and placed your leather jacket on when there was a knock at the door. Your mam and dad welcomed Luke in as you walked down the stairs. Luckily everyone was ready to go so with a few compliments all round, you were all off and ready for a fantastic night!

Calum: This was by far the most important day for you and the relationship between you and Cal. Both of you and your parents were planning a day out in London, about 30 minutes away from the area you all lived. Your bed side table clock read 9:27 and you had to be ready for 11 with a train leaving at 11:30. You decided to go downstairs, say goodmorning to your parents, get some breakfast then jump in the shower. After you had freshened up you looked through your wardrobe looking for an outfit suitable for the weather, summer. You decided on a simple black and white striped H&M jumpsuit adding a denim jacket and sandals as accessories. You wore Cal's earrings he gave as a present, styled your hair, did natural makeup then snapped a selfie for Instagram, quoting:
'Day out in London with bæ & parents💘'
Cal was the first to like, after all, he did have your notifications on but hey ho! Your alarm went off telling you it was 5 minutes to go before leaving, you grabbed your bag, keys, phone and money and made your way downstairs. As you reached the bottom, you were surprised to find your Mam, Dad and Cal all having a conversation in the living which you interrupted in a kind way telling them you were ready to go. Cal had already been having good banter with your mam and dad which you were jealous of but it meant everyone was going to get along just fine and it was going to be a great day out...

Michael: After meeting Mikey's mam and dad not so long ago, you felt it was only right for him to meet yours so by doing this, the best thing to do without the weather spoiling it (as it was grey and rainy) was to have a 'Netflix night' with him and your parents. This would have consisted of a lot of laughs and giggles but also a way of your parents getting to know Mikey a bit more... You were all ready in your pjs waiting for the door bell to go. As you were waiting, you got get menus out for all local takeaways and already had Netflix set up, starting with comedy movies, Mikey's favourite! The door bell went as you jumped up quickly shouting to your parents he was here. As you opened the door you were embraced in a tight warm hug from Mikey as he spun you round and walked in. Your mam and dad walked in soon after he was settled and it didn't take long for them to start chatting away with you smiling away in the background. It was perfect.


A/N: It's been so long omg! But I want to try something new;

Comment the imagine you like the best out of all 4 and I will look back at them!


I'm going to start a Union J imagines thingy book << ahah

So if you like them, PLEASE go have a look at it, it probably won't start for a while but I will be carrying on with this one aswell of course!

Love you all,

Lauren x

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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