"I Love You."

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A/N: I need more votes:( I don't know whether or not you are enjoying it:(?

Anyways, here is the 4th imagine.


Ashton: As you got snuggled up into Ash, not acting too lovey dovey seeing as you weren't an item but just acting friendly, just snuggling up to his side watching a movie, you started to doze off a bit. As you yawned and moved about a bit, Ash asked, "Are you tired?" "Just slightly, don't worry." You reply. "Come here, i'll take you up to bed." He insists. "No Ash, your enjoyi-" Too late. Ash had already scooped you off your feet, chucked you over his shoulder and started making his way up the stairs. Once he plonked you in your bed, he started to walk out. "Ask come back here." He stopped in his tracks and turned back to walk over. You put your arms out around his neck and kissed him ever so gently. He kissed back. "I love you Ash." "Love you too (Y/Nickname)." In his arms, you dozed off.

Luke: After receiving a text from a boy who had asked you out on a date, you decided to go speak to Luke, your best friend, for advice. "Luke? Are you jealous?" "Why would I be jealous." He snapped. Ever since you explained the situation you were in, he didn't seem like he wanted to help in a way. "You've been acting funny when I've been asking you for help." "I just don't think you should go. You hardly know him. Plus, I haven't met him either! You never know what could happen." He was right in a way but I know nothing would happen anyways, there was definitely another reason. "Luke, you know nothing will happen to me. Just tell me the real reason! I'm your best friend and I should know!" You start shouting at him, not intentionally. "It's b-beca-..." "See, there's not a real reason is there?" You started to walk off, seeing as you had no time to lose and couldn't be bothered for an argument. "There is. I-it's because..." You kept on walking. "It's because I love you! There, I said it, I love you." You stopped walking but did not dare to turn around.

Calum: You caught up with Cal who had walked further ahead, along the seaside. "Cal? Are you alright?" He looked up at me, making eye contact. "Yeah, I guess so. I mean. I don't know. No? I have no idea!" "Calum, your my best friend, you can tell me anything, remember." You knew something was up with Cal, you knew straight away. "Yeah I know (Y/N)." He said with a small smile then looked back down at his feet. "I just have mixed feelings for someone but if I tell them I feel that it could make us awkward." "Us meaning me and you or us meaning you and someone else?" "Us meaning us (Y/N), us meaning us." "Calum, tell me. Your worrying me." I didn't really know what he meant. I was getting mixed messages. "I think I love you (Y/N). As in love you. He put emphasis on 'love'. "Cal, don't be embarrassed, I can see your pink cheeks! I think I feel the same way." He looked up at me and stopped walking, me joining him. He brushed his hand against mine as we look down in unison, holding each others hand. Then he tilted my chin back and kissed me. "I love you (Y/N)." He said calmly as we broke away. "I love you too Cal."

Michael: "Mikey, it's your turn. Truth or dare?" Ash said with a big grin. "Hmmmm. Truth please." Michael normally goes for dares? Without us all confirming, Ash picked a truth that looked as though the boys were all behind it. "Say truthfully how you feel about (Y/N)." He looked at me, making me blush and look down. "Well.... (Y/N), your a kind girl and umm..." "Yeah whatever Mikey, you did ask for a truth not a lie." Ash said, sniggering which made me giggle, still looking down. "Ok well, (Y/N). I'm in love with you." You looked up at him and crashed your lips onto his, with the same reaction from him. "I feel the same way Mikey."


A/N: I don't know if I'm doing well or not?!

Please please pleaseeeeee;



•AND a follow would make me happy

Please let me know how i'm doing too:)

Hope you enjoyed this!

See you laterrr, ly.


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