Goodbyes And Hellos At The Airport

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A/N: I hope you are all enjoying these imagines, they will get better as they go, don't worry!


Ashton: He was leaving, again. The four of them. Four months I have been with them and it's been amazing. Now they are all going again. Ashton is my hero. He saved me. When I met him again after losing him from moving schools. I have never been so happy in all my life. I don't know what I'm going to do for the next 6 months. Yes: Skype and phone calls are helpful but it's not the same. I love him so much but now he's going again. I'm going to fall in my own sadness trap again. "Babe. Why you crying?" I looked up to Ash who had his arm around me hugging me tightly. I hadn't realised I had tears falling. "I'm going to miss you so much Ash." I looked into his eyes, deeply. "I don't know if I am going to cope." "Babe. I have to go. You know it's the last thing I want to do but I have to, this is my career. I love you so much and that is why I want to ask you something." I had listened to all the words that came out of his mouth and started to bow my head, in sorrow. Then looked up again when he said he had a question to ask me. "Yes?" "Would you do me the honour of coming with me. Away back on tour with me?" I burst out into tears. "OMG ASH! Are you serious!?" "Of course I am baby!" I launched myself at him, hugging him with the most amount of strength I had making him tumble into the airport seats beside him. As he managed to pull himself up, he said, "We best be on our way then..."

Calum: I was crying a lot by now and we weren't even at the gate yet. This was going to kill me, saying goodbye for what is going to feel like forever. As I started to wipe more and more tears away as they were escaping from my eyes, Cal tilted my head up to make eye contact with him. "Babe, it's ok." Why was he saying its ok? "Cal? Do you not understand?" "Understand what sweetie?" "Everything you done to me, told me, gave me...helped." "And I'm very glad of that." We were replying to each other with quick, fast replies, not wasting a last second together. "Y-you s-saved me-e." "Come here." He pulled me closer to his chest so I could hear his heartbeat. "You hear that?" I nodded a little. "It's what you give me. Every little beat is there because of you and for you. Me being away will make us stronger and become closer together. Trust me." "But Cal-" He pressed his finger up to my lips. "No buts. Trust me (Y/N). I need you to stay strong for me. We will talk EVERY night, I promise." "Cal. I will miss you so much. You mean so so much to me and I can't thank you for everything you have done!" I hugged him tightly, ignoring all the stares and glares I got. Suddenly a voice rang through the speakers, "Flight 627, departing to New York now, make your way to gate-way 5." That was his gate. As I got up to let him walk, I decided I wasn't going to say goodbye here. I had my friend with me so she was to get all the last minute break downs at the end. Once we made our way to the gateway, the 3 other boys got on the plane as me and Cal went over to the side, to talk, alone. "Babe, what do you have to promise me?" "To stay strong... without you." I said between sniffles. "Imagine me there every night and whenever your feeling really down or just need a talk, phone me, I'll always be there, on the other end." "Cal?" "Yes sweetie." "Could you leave something with me, to remember you?" "Take this. My favourite beanie." He placed it on my head as I giggled a little and placed my head on his chest, smiling as I hugged him. I heard my friend sniffling beside me. She was crying too. "Ok babe, I gotta go now. I will ring as soon as I land and let you know on what's happening! I love you millions. Bye." I let him walk off with no reply. Then I ran over to the window, where I saw him climb onto the plane. He turned around one last time, giving a wave, a smile and a rub of his cheek. He was crying too. I waved back and felt my friends' arm touch my shoulder. Then I fell onto her, crying, breaking down. The beanie fell off my head. I picked it up almost as sudden and hugged it, as tight as I would to Cal. The plane flew off. I couldn't remember the rest.

Luke: He was coming home today! After 9 weeks of Skype, phone calls and non-stop texting: it was the day where you could hug him tightly, kiss him and tell him you loved him...face-to-face. You had sat in Starbucks for a while, kept on looking down at your phone, seeing if he had replied yet. You realised he had no connection on planes. Of course he hadn't replied. Then the notice popped up on the bulletin board screen. His plane was about to land. Gateway 13. At the other end of the airport building! You were fuming! But you had to get there in 2 minutes so you ran! Apologised for bumping in to all the people, tripping up suitcases and other baggage along the way and ran. Kept on going as you knew you were closer seeing signs that read, 'Gateways 10-15 just ahead.' You were really close! Then you saw all these people, gushing out of gateway 13! They had landed! You were really tired but had to keep on going. You HAD to find him. As you ended up in this big room, quiet empty you started to cry as you saw families being re-united and walking out of the airport smiling and all happy. You heard a suitcase bang on the floor but you couldn't be bothered to turn. You just needed to find him. And fast. You kept looking around and he didn't appear. All of a sudden you felt a tight grip around your waist from behind. You screamed and turned to see him. Luke. "BABE! OMG I've missed you so much!" His lips crashed onto yours as yours crashed back. It felt amazing. Like only you 2 after 9 weeks of not being together. I was speechless.

Michael: It was time. To go and find your sunshine who you hadn't saw for 7 weeks now. It had been so long now and you just wanted to be in his arms so badly! Once you had parked your car in the parking area and displayed your ticket, you walked into the airport, all happily and smiling. WOW you were very excited to see him again. He was the one who helped you through the hardest times, seeing as your parents were no longer there to do the job. You were the only one waiting in the waiting room where the plane was going to land and where all the passengers would be entering. I suppose you were a little early so you decided to get a little snack for Mikey, just to waste time. One for yourself too seeing as you were also a little peckish. The lady who was collecting the tickets of the arrival had appeared and gave a smile just as she was getting into position. "It's due to land any minute." She said, with a sweet accent. "Oh, thanks." Then you could see it clearly now, coming into land. As you walked over to the window, you could see it driving along from the runway, into the parking space. As ladders appeared at the front of the doorway, waiting for the passengers to get off and onto, your heart started to beat giddily. All the passengers started to step off the plane. Then you saw Mikey in the distance. He hadn't noticed you seeing as you were quite a way away and a bit high up in the building. As be became closer and closer to the building, you ran to the door way where he would be coming through, just opposite the lady with the tickets. "Who you looking for?" "Green hair, boy, late teens." "I'll give you the thumbs up to signal." This was the plan, she was going to signal when she could see him coming up the stairs and then I was going to pounce on him, like a cat. She signalled. OMG OMG OMG my heart was nearly out of my skin. As soon as he handed the ticket I pounced. "MIKEY!" "(Y/N)!" "IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" We said, in unison. We walked out of the room with his arm around my waist, hugging me from the side as we talked and talked. I now had him back. And he wasn't going anywhere.


A/N: There is your 3rd imagine. I hope your enjoying these!?

I know some were longer than others, oops. They will vary along the way.

Give me a follow, a vote and a comment and I will love you for ever!

You could give me a little cheeky twitter follow too; txmmoshxlley that would be nice thanks!

See you soon, ly.


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