It's Your Birthday

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A/N: 2nd imagine here we go.....


Ashton: As you walked down the stairs, realising it was your birthday, a stroke of sadness hit you as everyone was out of bed but they had gone out. There were no cars on the drive way, all coats and shoes had been put on and gone. Suddenly "SURPRISE!" The one word echoed the full house. Nobody had forgotten anything! "Guys! I thought you had all forgotten about me!" I said with a little giggle as Ashton walked up to me. "I wouldn't forget you gorgeous." He said tapping me on the nose and handing me a box, making me giggle. It was a cute box, with a light blue ribbon tied around it. My favourite colour. As I untied the ribbon and pulled the casing off, everyone was staring at me as I lifted up the lid of the box. "Oh my gosh! Ash! I can't take this!" It was a glistening diamond silver necklace with a heart charm, shining in the light! "Anything for my babycakes! Turn around, may you let me do the honours?" "Of course Ash!" With that I turned around and let him place the delicate piece of jewellery around my neck, laying it gently. He then hugged me from behind and kissed my temple gently then whispered, "I love you sweetie."

Calum: As you were laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling as you had just woken up, you could smell the strong smell of a full English breakfast being made. As it got closer and closer there became a knock at the door. "Come in!" Cal walked through with a large tray which held: a plate of a full English breakfast, a cup of tea, cutlery some flowers and a birthday bag. "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear (Y/N), Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday gorgeous!" Cal handed you the tray over to you as you sat up in bed, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. "What a gentleman you are, thanks Cal. Come join if you like!" "Don't mind if I do." As he placed himself next to you, he flicked through the channels as he came across a good romantic film. Once you had finished scraping the last pieces of breakfast off your plate, Calum offered you a bag. "Here you go, beautiful." You had a peak inside as you could see several presents all wrapped up with pretty paper. The first one you picked out was soft, very soft. As you unwrapped it, you pulled out a lovely, furry UGG hat. It was gorgeous! "Calum! This is beautiful! Thank-you so much!" "Anything for you sweetpea." The next gift you pulled out the bag was a hard little box. As you pealed the paper back and pulled the sellotape off, it became clear it was something very fragile. As you slowly lifted the lid off the box. Your eyes widened in shock! "Cal!" "Don't say anything." He stopped me from saying thankyou as he places a kiss gently on my lips. Inside the box were a pair of beautiful earrings. "You deserve it all!" You gave a small smile and picked out the last gift from him. This one was quite big and heavy. "You struggling there?" "Nope! I'm alright! I'll manage." With his helpful hands pulling away, you started to rip the wrapping paper off getting excited as you got closer and closer to the gift. You pulled of the last piece to reveal an extremely gorgeous Lipsy bag! "Oh Calum! This has just topped it all off! I love you so much!" "As I said sweetie, you deserve it all!" You snuggled into him and continued to watch the movie still playing on the TV.

Luke: It was your birthday. However you had work. Very early in the morning. Your 6am alarm rang as you slammed your hand on the clock to stop in ringing. As you got up, you noticed Luke wasn't in bed which was weird as he loves a lie-in and gets one when he can. 6am was far too early for him. You ignored the fact he wasn't there and went to get dressed. Once you were ready and washed with hair an make-up done. You walked down the stairs and went to grab your car keys until you realised they weren't there. Instead, there was a note. A note which read; 'Pop outside, even if it's freezing cold, there may be something there!x' As you strangely looked at the note, picked it up and walked to the door, you heard murmurs. As soon as you'd stepped foot outside you jumped back as you heard, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!" Behind everyone (Luke, your mum&dad, siblings, Ash, Mikey and Cal) was a glistening brand new white Mercedes. "Luke! Don't you dare sa-" "Say what? I love you? Well I do and this is to say it." "Luke, I can't take this from you. Your too special to me!" "(Y/N), you have to take it. With my orders. I love you baby." I couldn't help but hug him, kiss him and thank him for everything. As well as everybody else of course! But Luke was my everything.

Michael: You didn't want a party for your birthday this year. You had been saying the same for ages and it had finally gotten into Mikey's head in the end. "Happy Birthday sweetheart!" "Thanks Mikey!" "Are you sure you won't like anything for your birthday this year? I know you said you didn't want any surprises but i'm just making sure with you?" "Honestly Mikey, I'm sure. As long as I spend the day with you I will enjoy it most! As long as you haven't booked anything surprise like have you?" "No of course I haven't because I know you didn't want anything! But I did book a table for dinner/tea for later on today. I could re-book it for a different day but I'm just wondering what we would do instead?" "I'm sorry if I'm being a pain asking for you to re-book it Mikey. It's just I don't feel like going out today. Instead I was thinking we could just lay here all day, order take-aways, watch movies and let me snuggle up to you because I'm a little child!?" "Oh (Y/N)! What you like? Of course I don't mind re-booking it! They won't be that mad because it's not like we are cancelling it forever! I'll move it to a different day next week then I will start ordering food! I love you sweetheart!" "Thanks so much Mikey! I love you too! I can't thank you enough!"


A/N: There's another imagine done.

What was that one like?

Better? Worse?

Please let me know in the comments section and voting would mean a lot too!

I love you all!

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