Good Morning

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A/N: it might seem weird to do a good morning imagine but yeah...

I need these votes coming in:(...




Ashton: You could smell a gorgeous, uplifting smell coming from downstairs You decided to find out what the smell was so you made your way down the stairs ever so quietly so Ash couldn't hear you. Once placing the last foot on the ground of the stairs, a muscly young boy ran towards you embracing you in his arms and squeezing you ever so tightly. "Morning you! I thought you would never come down! Was it the smell?" "Ash put me down!" I chuckled, "It may have been the smell but my bed is so precious to me, I love it and it loves me. The smell is actually delicious though!" "Pity I just are the last isn't it?" I frowned at him, I knew he was lying but I just played along with him! "Of course I didn't! I made it especially for you sweetie!" "Aw Ash! Your such. gentleman!"

Luke: You wriggled around in your bed but was confused as to why you weren't moving very far. Then you heard groans coming from beside you and a grip tightly hanging on. You remembered what had happened the night before. You and Luke. Love was made between you two. As you lay on top of Luke his eyes started slowly appear in the day light. "Oh! Morning sleepy head!" Luke giggled at you and in his handsome morning voice, replied with a good morning. "Morning beautiful." Now you realise how lucky you are...

Calum: Calum was a one who would do anything to please you, he sure did just that. Knocking on the door woke you up completely without fail as he walked in the door with a big cheeky grin on his face and hiding something behind his back. As he pulled a bunch of roses from behind him, he placed a kiss soft and gently on your lips and then forehead making you smile. Without whispering a word, he walked back out making you suspicious and returned with a try according with; more flowers, 2 slices of toast sandwiching together some freshly cooked bacon and egg and a glass of orange juice beside. How thoughtful... Another smile appeared, even bigger.

Michael: Your favourite person walks through the door. The one you've spent about 3 months with now and want to spend the rest of your life with. He walks in the door from not being beside you for the past 3 hours. Confused as to why, you ask, or at least try to, 'Where have you be-', he cuts you off with the most aggressive push back onto the bed as possible and a big sloppy kiss on the lips with a, 'Morning gorgeous, does it matter where I've been? I'm here now!' You suppose that could make up for it...


A/N: it's been so so so so so long omg like more than half a year before I updated!

I've had troubles with my account and nearly lost everything but yes, I'm back:)!

Hope you enjoyed this one,

Bye byeeee

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