Meeting His Parents

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A/N: I LOVE writing these imagines for you but I don't have any idea if your enjoying them?

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Ashton: You start to walk down the stairs as you hear Ash giving you the que too. "Mum, this is (Y/N), my beautiful girlfriend." As you got to the bottom of the stairs, a smile was placed on Ash' and his mums face. "Anne, it's lovely to meet you." She pulled me in for a hug and surprisingly it felt right to hug back and as I did so I felt her smile getting bigger. Once we pulled away. Ash grasped my had as we made our way to the car. "So, (Y/N), what do you do for a living?" "Well I was a lawyer for a couple of years, then went into the music business. Your amazing son has supported me along the way." She smiled which made me smile back.

Luke: As Luke grabbed your jacket for you, you made your way into the kitchen, waiting to meet his parents. As his parents made his way in, Luke greeted you with his smile, "Mum, Dad, this is (Y/N), my gorgeous girlfriend." "Hello Mr and Mrs Hemmings, it's an honour to meet you." "(Y/N), your really sweet. Follow me into the sitting room." Mrs Hemmings, Liz I think her name was, made me a little worried, wanting to talk to me alone. "Thank you a lot for making my son happy. I can see he's very happy when your in his arms. Thank you so much." "Li-... Mrs Hemmings, he is the one that brings a smile to my face everyday. I want to thankyou for letting me be his girlfriend." I nearly called her Liz. I hope she didn't notice, even though she did chuckle. She gave me a hug then we went back through to the kitchen and started to help make dinner.

Calum: It was the day that you and Cal were going to his parents house for a BBQ but also to meet his parents for the first time. On the journey there you got more and more nervous and kept asking Cal a load of questions like, 'What if they don't like me?' 'What if I'm not pretty enough for them?' 'What if your mum doesn't like my fashion style?' 'I may not be bright enough for your Dad?' He got fed up in the end. "Hey, babe, don't you worry. They are going to love you as much as I do, probably more." As we pulled up outside the house, I got out, held Cal's hand and we made our way around to the back garden. "Hey Mum, hey Dad! This is my beautiful girlfriend who I'd love you too meet. (Y/N)." "Cal, she's beautiful." What a relief. They both complimented me and found a chair for me to sit down on. I insisted on sitting on Calum's lap as it was no bother but they demanded on getting me a chair so I let them. We all had a good laugh as they got to know me better and the BBQ was amazing

Michael: "Dad? This is (Y/N). The most important girl in the world to me, along side my mum of course." You blush and look down to the ground, fumbling with your intwined fingers. "Mikey, (Y/N). You two look perfect for each other and (Y/N), you certainly know how to make my son happy and I thank you for that." He held his hand out to shake yours and you instantly took it, shaking it back and returning a smile. Mikey's hand slips round your waist. "I'm going to walk her home Dad, I won't be long." What a gentleman he is."Okay son, that's a good boy." That made you giggle slightly as you followed Mikey out of the door, polietly saying goodbye. "Come back soon (Y/N), your a lovely girl." "Thanks sir, I hope to be back very soon."


A/N: I felt like doing another imagine today because I love writing them for you.

I need to know if your enjoying them or not?

Please vote and comment.

Love you all!


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