continuation of the previous chapter!

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[Dawn's pov]

I grinned as i heard them pass. No one can ever fail my special ingredient! Khukhukhu! Gon came upto me. "Thanks Dawn!" He said. "Yeah it was because of your help that we passed!" Kurapika said in agreement while leorio  nodded. I smiled at them. "You guys are welcome!" I said smiling widely.

"C'mon Dawn tell us about your special ingredient. " Gon asked again but this time giving me puppy eyes. " No." I said but gon only intensified his puppy eyes. No don't give in ! Don't give in to puppy eyes!! Then the worst thing happened. Killua also joined in with Gon and showed his kitty eyes . Shiiiiiiiiiit!!!!! I sighed.

" Fine!" I said finally giving in. "Yay!" Both of them cheered. .....uwaaaaaaaah. ...they look so cute!!! Just like a cat (killua) and a dog (gon)! I thought resisting the urge to hug them. Again. "I made that thing using a lot of Mana and a spell. When i   clap my hands they appear. Also the taste depends on color. For example I used blue powder to the food. It will give a wonderful smell to It. Also it softens the food. " i explained. "Then what about the green powder you used in my food???" Gon asked.

"I made your food a bit spicy. Also it turned into a cream to make your food at lot more delicious. " I explained. " Wow!" Gon exclaimed. While the others stared at me dumbstruck. "What is mana? " Killua asked.  "Never thought magic actually existed." Leorio muttered. "Oi,What is mana??" Killua asked again impatiently.  I heard but decided to ignore him Afterall i am too lazy to explain. :p
<Time skip>

Since Menchi Failed all the other contestants except my friends we were asked to take the exams again. Right now i am standing near the Mount Split-in-Half. There are so many eggs!! I looked at the shiny webs. "All right everyone! We all are going to jump in and grab an egg! The topic will be boiled eggs! I will go first to demonstrate." With that Menchi jumped inside the hole and soon came up being carried by the wind.

"Sugoi!"I said completely amazed. "All right! Now you guys can go as well!" Menchi said. "Are you joking?! You think we are going in there?!" The contestants started arguing. A tick mark appeared on my head. "I will go first! " I said and jumped inside. I grabbed hold of the webs and soon got the egg. " Very good! Now wait for the wind to arrive!" She yelled from the mountain edge. Wait for the wind? Whos gonna wait for the wind? I don't need wind! I let go of the wave and fell deep down. I heard surprised cry from The others. 

"Air Element:- Air Bubble!" I yelled. A huge bubble surrounded me and i floated up . The bubble quickly  burst when  I reached the Mountain edge. "That was easy!" I said. Then  I felt  a really creepy  aura. I peeked behind me to see Hisoka licking his lips. I shivered a bit .  "You nearly gave us an heart attack when you let go of the web!!" Leorio yelled at me  when i came  upto them. "That was way too reckless!!" Kurapika lectured. "Geez! I made it up the mountain didn't I? Now stop giving me lectures!!!!" I muttered. Besides them I  heard killua chuckle.

My cheeks turned a bit pink when i saw him laugh. He looks gorgeous when he laughs....... i thought dreamily. Then I realised what I thought and immediately my face went beet red.   Dawn you are an idiot! Don't think of stupid things! Don't be like a major fangirl.."All right here I go!" Gon yelled breaking me out of my thoughts and jumped. Leorio jumped in followed by Kurapika.

Lastly it was Killuas turn to jump. But instead of jumping inside the mountain he came upto me. "Dawn! Hold this for me." He said handing me his skateboard. Our hands brushed which caused me to blush a little. "U - uh. ...sure!" I said stuttering a bit. Then he took off and jumped inside. I watched him disappear inside the mountain , my heart beating fast. Was he blushing?...Jeez. ...just What the wrong with me?...
<Time skip >

Out of 51 , 43 of us passed. My my. ...i still can't forget the taste of the egg. It was so delicious. ..just thinking about it makes my mouth water... i shook my head hard. No time to think about food Dawn!! Concentrate on the exam.....but then the egg was kinda! Focus! focus! Right now we are riding in chairman Netero's airship.
 " Hey you both let's explore the ship!" Killua said to leorio and kurapika. Leorio was dumbstrucked.  "You both still have the energy to explore?!" He asked. " Sorry gon and killua you both can go ahead. I want to rest now." Kurapika interrupted.

" Ah..ok." Gon said and both he and killua took off. They....didn't ...even ask me...... i thought irritated. I pouted to myself. Guess I will explore alone... i jumped up and started walking out of the room. "Where are you going Dawn? " Kurapika asked. "Hm? Just wanna explore the airship! Don't worry I will come back soon!" With that I took off. After a few minutes I took a seat near the windows.  I looked outside and couldnt help but think prettyI marvelled at the beautiful sight of the city. They twinkled like stars. Kinda feels nostalgic....
"Of course you will feel nostalgic because you used to fly even higher than this!" I nearly fell when i heard Midoris voice. "Midori?!" I called out for her. "Yup it's me!" She replied cheerfully. "Where were you all this time?" I asked her in my mind. "Nothing just taking a small rest." She said. "Hey...Dawn will you sing me a song?" She asked me. " A song? Uh..Midori it's been a long time since I last sang voice might have gone sore..also..." i told her. " No way! You are gonna sing me! Sing meeeeee! " She whined. " Argh! Fine fine! Now stop whining! " I begged her. I took a deep breathe and started singing even though i knew how much i am scared of singing.


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