Chapter 11

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"You.........Do you know Midori s-sama? " She asked shakily. Why won't i know her? "Yea i know her" i replied making her go pale. "Um...Are you uh..related to her?" She asked again in a squeaky voice. What should i do now? Midori said Mika was searching for won't harm if I say I am her twin sister right ?? "Um..i am her younger Twin sister....why do you ask?" I asked confused. "EH?!!!!!!" Killua and Gon exclaimed completely surprised while Mika's eyes widened even more and she.......


[Recap ends]

[Dawns pov]

Mika fainted when i told her I am Midoris sister. What the hell? I looked towards Gon and Killua for help but their faces held pure shock. Now this is ..."This is awkward..." Killua muttered voicing my thoughts. "Hoho! So what do you all say!! Play a game with me???" Netero san asked changing the subject successfully.

Time skip. ..

After Killua , Gon tried to get the ball from Netero san and I was still trying to figure out how Killua did that move. "Hmmmm......" i hummed frowning. Argh! No matter how much I try to figure it out i still can't! !!! I felt somebody's stare. Looking to my side my blue eyes met with sapphire eyes making eye contact. "What?" I asked him trying very hard not to stare at his eyes for too long. "Nothing....i still can't believe you are a princess...." He said making me scowl. "Well I am one...." i told him closing my eyes for a few sec.

"Hmm....i thought princesses are supposed to be haughty , full of pride, arrogant and most importantly cry babies!" He said dramatically making my eyes twitch because i  knew he was comparing me with  them  . "Don't you dare compare me with them!!! I am not like them!! Jeez! Have you seen their dresses??!!! And also their behaviour?! They are sooooo girly! Bleeeh! " I said sticking out my tongue in disgust making Killua chuckle. Somehow he looked handsome . Wait! What?!! Get a grip silly Dawn!! I shook my head hard trying to concentrate on the fight. " Gon!!! Tag!!!" I called out to him.

He happily came over to me high fiving me. Before I entered the ground i took out my magic wand and waved it around me changing my costume. [See the pic above] "Awesome!!" I heard Gon and killua Exclaim. Yosh!! It's sh- before I could continue my heroic dialogue somebody tackled me in a tight hug making me choke.

"DAAAAAAWN!!!!~" i know this voice. "Get off me Midori!!! You are choking me!!!!!"I yelled and she let me go, pouting. "Jeez!! You were taking so long!! I thought you were in trouble!!!! (°^°)" she whined. I sighed "Sometimes I don't really believe you are my older twin...." I muttered staring at her childish face. A cough got my attention and I saw Killua approach us. "Is that....your Older twin Dawn?" He asked staring at Midori. "Hey!! Be respectful mister!!! Don't stare at me like a pervert! And yes! Of course I am her older twin!!! Daw-" of course i cut her off by bonking her head.

"Sorry about her.....well Killua this is Midori." I said pointing towards midori who death glared him. "Aaaaaand Midori" i said in a dark voice which gave her the hint to behave "this is Killua " i said pointing towards Killua "and this is Gon!" I said pointing towards gon . "My best friends!!" I said proudly grinning at her.

[Killuas pov]

"My best friends!!" She said proudly grinning at her twin sister. My eyes widened best....friend?...she just said best friends? ...... I stared at her in utter disbelief. A small smile curled up my lips.  Dawn.....Thank you... "Ehh? So the princess has already been found?? I guess now both Mika and her can leave now. " Netero said staring at Midori. "Eh?! I have to leave?! Oh! Please Netero san,  I swear I will leave tomorrow just let me stay this night with Dawn!!"

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