Chapter 30

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I continued to groom my horse, even as Brandon and Luke stopped at my stall door, Luke resting his arms on the door. They were silent, waiting for some response.

"What?" I asked, turning around and sighing.

"We are just waiting for you ma'am." Luke answered, standing up straight and yawning.

"For what exactly?" I thought through everything that I had done and had planned with the two boys otherwise known as my team. The movie was tomorrow, since we had just planned that when we were riding.

"Just to walk you back to you dorm. Because we are gentlemen and all." Brandon replied with a weird smile. I turned back to grooming Kermit. I hadn't ridden him today, and he looked a little sad, so I had started to groom him before my two teammates appeared. They both seemed a bit shifty, probably just because it was dark out.

"I'm fine, but thanks for the offer." I retorted with a grin over my shoulder. Kermit nickered in approval of my decision. I patted my horse, scratching his mane before bending down to pick his feet. Kermit groggily stood for my while I picked his heavier than usual front feel, since he wasn't holding them up as much. His back feet were heavy, causing me to have to do them in reps so I could let my hands uncramp.

"Oh please? Come on Scar! It's late anyways! We missed dinner!" I turned around, looking and Brandon. Fine.

I sighed, cleaning up all of my grooming tools, and exited Kermit's stall. I walked into the tack room and put my things away, Luke and Brandon watching as I replaced my boots with my Sperrys. We walked to the area where you would exit the first floor, which is the wide ramp, or the stairs. I headed down the ramp, only to be tugged back towards the stairs.

"After you my lady." Luke said, holding the door. I fumbled around for the light switch, before remembering that they were motion sensing lights. I walked in, but the lights didn't turn on in the stairwell. I whipped around only to find that the boys had shut the door and locked it, peering through the window and laughing. I took out my phone, only to get a text from Prince Charming himself.

Hello there! We thought we would give you a thank you present for making us wake up to ride! The bottom door is also locked, so make sure to text me when you get down! Have fun! Don't slip!

Don't slip? I'm not that clumsy to slip on stairs. I turned on my flashlight app on my phone, shining it down the staircase. They had covered every inch of every stair with horse manure. Each step looked to be covered in several inches, and quite honestly smelled like it as well. I sat down where I was, presumably the only clean place in the stairwell. Checking the time, I sighed and stood right back up. It was 8:00, and in one hour my dorm hall manager would be texting me to make sure I was okay. I took of my shoes, tying the laces together and throwing them over my shoulder so one was in the front and the other in the back. So this is why the boys had been so good about the ride and so shifty afterwards. I took off my socks and hiked up my breeches, stuffing my socks and phone in my front shoe. And stepping into the first pile, my foot sank to the bottom, the manure reaching my mid-calf. I took a deep breath, wincing as the next foot landed in the same area.


An hour later, I was only halfway down the staircase. My dorm monitor texted me, just as I had predicted.

Hey Scarlett! Are you okay?

Yes Ma'am! I'm fine, I'm sleeping over at a friend's dorm, I must have forgotten to tell you. Sorry to worry you!

Okay, just making sure you're doing well. Next time try to remember to tell me! :)

I realized I had to pick up the pace, and tried stepping forward a bit quicker. After a few stairs, I checked my phone while stepping. No texts from either of the boys. Suddenly, I was plummeting down the steps, sliding along the horse manure. I stopped myself by grabbing the hand rail, and swinging myself into the wall.

I looked around for my phone, finally seeing the dim light were I had slipped, about ten stairs up. I let out a groan and tiptoed back upstairs before making the now extremely slow walk down to the landing. When I got there, the door was locked, so I pulled out my phone and texted Luke.

Hey, I'm tired, and I'm mad, and you better get over here and get me out before you regret that. I grew up with 3 brothers. I am not afraid. :|

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