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The night had passed, and both Rafe and Jazmine had been fortunate enough to take a shower at the old man's house. He had fed them and given Jazmine clean clothes similar to what she was wearing.

Despite Rafe's kind words, Jazmine hadn't smiled. She remained silent and hadn't touched her food. Rafe was worried but chose not to push her. He knew how much she hated that. If she wanted to talk, she would.

Jazmine, meanwhile, felt hollow, like a ghost drifting in the shell of her own body. She couldn't feel the ground beneath her feet, nor the air around her—everything was muted, distant, unreal. The last few hours had stripped her of everything she had left to give. There were no tears to shed, no strength to scream, not even enough to wish it all away. She was a spectator to her own despair

With a final farewell to the man, the couple climbed onto the motorcycle. Jazmine rested her head against Rafe's back as they left the safety of Mustafa's house behind. The engine roared to life, and they sped off, Jazmine focused on the thought of finding the others, her sister, JJ.

After a while, Rafe stopped at the edge of a small town, surrounded by sand and rocks, cutting the engine. He got off the motorcycle, unfolding the map in his hands, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Rafe hadn't told Jazmine what he planned to do; he knew she wouldn't agree.

"What are you doing?" Jazmine asked, her voice sharp, as she stepped off the motorcycle, approaching Rafe.

"I'm trying to read this map," Rafe replied, his tone defensive. He glanced up briefly before looking back at the paper.

"And what's the point of that?" Jazmine retorted, a frown creasing her forehead.

"I thought—" Rafe began, hesitating, his grip tightening on the map.

"You thought what?" Jazmine interrupted. "Stealing that damn crown? Is that it?"

Rafe looked at her, his silence confirming her suspicions.

"You've got to be kidding me," she said, standing up and running a hand through her hair in frustration. "Are you stupid or what? Do you have a death wish?"

"Not at all," Rafe shot back. "But think about it. We've got nothing left to lose. We didn't come all this way for nothing."

"Nothing left to lose?" Jazmine repeated incredulously. "Do you think I'm willing to risk our lives for this treasure?"

She paused, her tone shifting. "I thought... after everything that happened, you'd grow up a little, Rafe. That maybe, I don't know, you'd think about finding your sister and the others or getting us out of this country. But no, you're still stuck on this stupid crown."

"Groff isn't going to give us that money back," Rafe argued. "We deserve this treasure as much as anyone else."

"We don't deserve anything, Rafe. Nothing," Jazmine snapped. "You don't care about this crown, just like you didn't care about that cross. Don't you think you've taken enough from them?"

"They didn't take anything from me," Rafe shot back. "But my father—"

"No," Jazmine cut him off, her voice firm. "I'm not talking about that with you. Not today. Not now."

She fixed him with a piercing gaze. "You have a choice, Rafe. Either you come home with me, or you go after that crown. It's up to you."

Before Rafe could respond, the sound of approaching engines broke through the tense air. Jazmine turned, her heart sinking as she saw three vehicles packed with armed mercenaries speeding toward them.

𝔅𝔬𝔯𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔦𝔢 - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now