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I had enjoyed Biology talking to Paul. For some reason it felt different to Biology with Embry but I'm unsure as to why. Paul seems nice, I didn't think he'd be a great person, I just figured he'd be full of himself as he is quite good looking and I know he gets quite a few girls, that's something everyone knows.

"So are you clever?" He asked and I laughed.

"No I just work incredibly hard!" I exclaimed and he smiled

"Well you seem clever enough in Biology!" He informed me and I smiled at him

"That's one subject Paul and you could be just as good if you worked too!" I told him and he turned serious for a moment

"Could you possibly help me? Give me some tutoring?" He hesitated to ask and I smiled once he brought his words out.

"Yeah sure!" I said a little more happier than I wanted to give off.

"Great! But maybe we could just... Not tell anyone..." He hesitantly informed me and I thought quickly before nodding in agreement. Embry would probably make something of it, so word Leah. Actually everyone would and i would just rather not bother with the attention of everyone telling me all the bad stuff of Paul. I'm my own person and I can make my own decisions.

"How about we meet? I know a place out in the woods" I informed him

"The woods is a dangerous place Jaya" he said cautiously and I smiled

"Mehta do people keep saying that? I've been perfectly fine over the years."

"Well alright then. How about tonight starts? Meet you at La Push beach?" He asked and I nodded

"About 7?" I questioned a time and it was his turn to nod in agreement.

Before we could carry on a second conversation, the bell went and we gathered up our stuff whilst making conversation before exiting the room.

"So basically Embry didn't want to be round me" I said to Paul as we left Biology together. It had been quite enjoyable getting to know Paul Lahote as much as I hated the fact that he made Embry change.

"I never said that!" He claimed with his hands in surrender. This was true, he didn't, but he didn't give a fabulous excuse as to why Embry didn't want to come to Biology. I suppose I'll have to ask him myself.

"JAY!" I Heard someone shout my name once again from the corridor and I looked up to Paul.

"I'm guessing you don't want to be seen with me so I'll be going!" I informed Paul only to receive a huge laugh from him.

"Now here's me thinking it would be me telling you that" he told me and I looked him dead in the eye as sparks flew around my stomach making me silently question what these feelings were.

"You're popular, I'm not" I told him. Apparently that didn't matter to him.

"I don't think I'm popular. You have many more friends than I do Jaya" he replied and I though for a second. This was indeed true. " I don't mean this in a stuck up manor but all I have going for me is my looks" he added and I nodded in agreement but felt myself blush as a smirk arose on his face " you think I've got looks then too" he said and winked but before I could reply I was saved by Leah who linked arms with me.

"Come along Jay ..." She said as she looked from myself to Paul. "Don't want you wasting your time" she added and I attempted to tell her to shut up but decided that it would be best to leave it.

"Goodbye Paul" I wished him farewell and gave him a slight wave which he copied my action too and gave a smile as Jared reached his side just in time to follow his action and find me on the receiving end.


"What was that all about?" Jared questioned me but before I could answer Embry showed up.

"What was what all about?" Embry asked interested but Jared thought of something to cover up quickly only he failed.

"Oh a girl offering me here number but I said no" I lied and he believed me.

"You never say no" he said laughing

"Just didn't feel right" I said as I walked off with a slight smile on my face. One step closer to getting to know Jaya Black.

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