Chapter 13.

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"So he was shaking?" Sam inquired as we sat round the table eating Emily's special cakes. I nodded as I felt Sams eyes upon me and I heard him mumble something Emily who I watched smile slightly before wiping away her smile.
"Jay do you realise that if Jake phases and turns down leadership then it's still me in charge?" I nodded and smiled at him

"Neither Jake or I are ready for this Sam." I informed him and he nodded accepting my words.

"So how long do you think it'll be?" Embry asked excitedly and everyone just shrugged. "I can't wait for him to phase it will be fab"

"Oh isn't it fab now Embry?" Jay said cockily looking to around the group.

"Well yes obviously but with Jake-"

"It will be great when they all phase" I intervened happily "but we just have to deal with it now until it happens".

Paul and I haven't spoken since the incident outside of school. I felt like every second he had the chance to talk to me, he would back away. And I was the same. Earlier he attempted to but I ran ahead to join Jared to save myself whatever I thought would be coming.

"Its happening" Sam said as he stormed back through from the kitchen as we jumped at the sudden movement.

"Okay great!" Embry exclaimed and Jared And I shared a look as we didn't understand but Embry quickly covered that for us "what exactly is happening?" He asked sounding lost.

"Jacobs phasing" Sam replied and we jumped out of our seats

"Where is he?!" I asked sounding worried as I knew the pain, as did we all, but u also knew my brother and he didn't take lightly to pain. He bruised like an apple if the slightest thing touched him.

"Billy called so I only assume he'll be at your home. Phase and run there" Sam ordered so we did as told and ran.

'I don't think he'll take well to this' I thought whilst running

'Jake never takes well to anything' Embry replied and I laughed knowing this was true.

'What am i?!' Suddenly Jake's voice boomed into our minds as we heard a howl

'Jacob?' I questioned

'Jaya?' He said sounding puzzled.

'Calm down Jake all is going to be ok!' I reassured him as we came to the clearing by my home. Into view came daddy with grandpa Atera and Harry Clearwater with a brown wolf stood wimping next to them.

'What are you?!' He asked horrified

'Correction. What are we Jacob' spoke Paul with a cocky tone in his spice to which I shot him a shut up look as winding Jake up was not needed right now.

'You're a wolf Jake' I told him and then phased back as I reached daddy who had a blanket and wrapped it around me. I ran into the house at super speed and changed whilst grabbing a few clothes for Jake.

"How's he doing?" I asked as Sam was stood by daddy and the boys were still in wolf form.

"They're helping him phase back Jay" daddy replied before we looked over to a naked Jake looking shocked that he was now sat stark naked on the floor with three big wolfs and a bunch of people staring at him.

"Cover up before we see too much" I said cheerfully as I walked over to Jake who was now a much different man I knew. His skin was tanner and his body was buffer. Still needed a hair cut and a tattoo fix but that didn't matter, I was just happy I could talk to him again.

"So this is the change" he said with a smile on my face.

"I'd hug you but then I'd risk exposure to your junk and I'd rather not!" I claimed laughing and felt that Jake and I were straight back on track to how we used to be.

"Wait till the guys here about this Jay!" He said excitedly and everyone turned to look at him with sympathy in their eyes

"Jacob. Your friends cannot know about this" Sam insisted and Jake clicked.

"Is this why Embry suddenly left as well as Jay? Because they weren't allowed to talk to us? In case they spilt the secret?" He asked sadly and we nodded

"It's not just that Jake though, if we were to get angry we could phase at any given moment and they wouldn't be safe." Embry added and smiled sadly

"Not even Bella?" He asked

"Why Bella for gods sake! Shouldn't you be more worried about your friends?!" I asked angrily shaking and he looked at me shocked

"Bella is my friend!" He resorted and I snorted

"Oh ofcourse because she's always been there for you hasn't she Jake. The Intel real reason she's picked you up is because she hardly knows anyone since her vamp of a boyfriend left!" I shouted before quickly covering my mouth in shock

"Her what?!" He said shocked "so he's a cold one! I bet bells doesn't-"

"Even know?" I butted in "of course she does Jake. She knows about them" I said simply now silently laughing at his ignorance.

"Well I'll have to see her I need to apologise-"

"Jacob you cannot tell Isabella or anyone about your new secret. I command you stay away from them" Sam spoke as he set his order and this was now something that couldn't be ignored.

It went silent for a moment before daddy suggested we get an early night. Everyone said their goodbyes and headed off home but I was stopped gently by a hand on my wrist and a hopeful looking Paul at the end of the hand.

"Can we talk?" He questioned and I looked back to an empty porch do nodded as I stepped down and sat on my front porch. "So ... Busy evening!" He said and I smiled awkwardly.

It was an awkward silence for a while as in sure neither of us had the nerve to say what we wanted to say.

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