Chapter 18

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I took off running after I phased to find Paul knowing him and his temper would lead him to all sorts of different conclusions. I couldn't understand why he would take it serious at first but he's very protective, he's sort of like a big teddy bear on the inside and I loved that about him.

As I came to the clearing in the woods, I found him sat on the Rock in front of me looking out onto the sea.

"Paul" I said and he turned to look at me before retracting his gaze and focusing back on the sea causing me to sigh. " Paul please tell me you aren't thinking the worst" I pleaded with a gentle smile on my face as I sat next to him and he looked up

"Great. You find it funny" he said sounding moody and I laughed gently.

"No I find it sweet" i replied

"Why?" He asked "what is there to find sweet Jay?! You're telling your ex boyfriend you still have feelings for him?!" Paul exclaimed and I laughed

"I get the impression that you didn't listen to the whole conversation then?" I asked and he went quiet

"Evidently not or else you would have realised that Embry and I were basically just messing around Paul. Don't ask why but we were talking about you okay? I know you hate it but he is one of the few people who knows me best I mean we dated for 5 years Paul and we basically learnt to walk together! He's still my friend and he knows me!" I told him trying to get him to see that there was nothing to worry about "yes I do love him Paul" this got his attention as he looked up at me furiously "but as a friend, a brother! Not like I love you Paul" I reassured him and watched as he breathed heavily.

"I'm sorry Jay. I just, I'm so lucky to have you and part of me wonders what would have happened if I didn't imprint on you whether we would be here still?! Part of me thinks you only like me because you feel you have to" he said truthfully and this made me feel better as i realised Paul really did care. "I hate being this soppy sad sorry person I mean, it's really not me!" He said laughing and I nudged him

"Paul I love everything about you okay? Truth is, I've been worried about the exact same thing and I don't care about the imprint! I mean I do, I'm thankful, but I still love you regardless. I don't love you because I have to; I love you because I want to and there's a huge difference." I said as I grabbed his hand and held it whilst he smiled down at me.

"Sorry to interrupt the soppy moment which I'll pretend I didn't eves drop in on, but we have a problem" said Jared as he suddenly appeared out of no where causing Paul to tense up and stand straight only to breath when he realised it was our friend. "Wow calm down teddybear" Jared sniggered and I rolled my eyes as I knew this was something he wouldn't let go of for a while with Paul.

"Okay" I replied and kissed Paul before phasing and heading back in quick pursuit of Jared to Sam's.

"What's the problem?" I asked as I followed into the house after Jared and Paul.

"She's not going to like this" I heard Embry state as I looked around to notice Jacob with his head in his hands "not one bit" he said quietly and I tightened my eyes.

"Well... Believe you me Jay we aren't happy one bit but, Jacob has been in contact with Bella a lot recently as you know and it seems the Cullen's have returned and taken Bella away due to circumstances involving Edward." Sam told me and I nodded "meaning that the Cullen's are back." Fucking fantastic

"Something will go wrong, it always fucking does whenever Isabella's name is mentioned" I said angrily. Don't get me wrong, the Cullen's weren't bad people; Bella attracted bad crowds and put them and us in danger whilst doing so. I heard about James the last idiot who wanted to kill her and how Bella tried to be all heroic. Personally I never saw Jake's attraction to Bella.

"Don't talk like that" Jake said as he started to defend Bella and I scoffed "Bella isn't a bad person!"

"Have you imprinted on her Jacob?" I asked aggressively as he stood in my face

"That's not the point!"

"I think you'll find it is! You haven't imprinted on her so quit getting so hung up over her! She isn't anything special and she's bad news for us all Jacob! She isn't the one so move on!"

"She is the one!" He shouted at me and I laughed in his face getting annoyed at how stubborn he was being

"I think fate and all that shit disagrees with you there Jake" I spat spitefully as Whenever we spoke about Isabella we always fell out. I watched as Jake began to shake and I smirked knowing I could handle this a hell of a lot better than he ever could. Paul stood up and walked behind me pulling at my arm "no I'm not moving. If he wants to be a pussy about it all and get angry and throw a hissy fit then fine, do so. I'm not moving though. It's his fault all this worry about Isabella has come about! If he just stayed away then we wouldn't have to worry about the next Vamp to visit town. If she had just stayed away then maybe uncle Harry would still be alive! Maybe Charlie wouldn't always be under our radar! It's all her fault that everyone is in danger purely because she came back and didn't stay away from the Cullen like he told her to!" I said as I ranted on speaking the truth. No one tried to shut me up because I knew they all agreed with me. Isabella's middle name was trouble and it was a real bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2016 ⏰

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