Chapter 10.

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"What are you doing here?!" I shouted as I jumped up from my before position, suddenly feeling very cold and alone without his touch.

"I'm more concerned about why you and Paul are sat close!" He replied in the same time as me only he started shaking. "What gives you the right to think you are able to lie and come here and you know-" he was directing everything at Paul now which made me even more angry as i didn't agree with how this was being sorted.

"Can you not!" I shouted and now I oils feel myself start to shake, which was weird. "How dare you come here. How dare you just suddenly turn up, after weeks and assume you have the right to talk let alone shout on my property! Who do you think you are?! And today! Why did you come over! What gives you the right to embarrass me and sadden my friends in such a style?! Who do you think you are!!!" I screamed now feeling tears fall down my face. All this anger was now flooding out and I wasn't happy one bit. "And you just prance around school, all happy as Larry smiling away as if we were nothing to you! Nothing Embry do you understand?! You've hurt everyone! Even your best friend in the world! Do you understand how hurt Quil is-"

"Jay calm-" Paul tried but nothing worked. I was fuming and shaking like a mad woman.

"Shut up Paul I don't need you to calm me down I'm good Thankyou! Now as for you!" I turned back to face Embry only to then notice it's actually raining and we were all drenched with droplets falling from our faces. "You! You can get off my-"

"NO! Jay no I'm not leaving. We need to -"

"Talk? Let me guess! You want to sort things out! You want us to be friends ?! Well guess what! I don't want that Embry! I don't want you! I don't want anything to do with you!" I'm pretty sure you could see the steam poring from my ears as I resorted into shouting back at him. I was so angry that he had even the strength to say no at this point! Could he not see how upset I was. I didn't want him to come here and talk to me and that's just not right.

"I'm not leaving Jay. I still love you!" He shouted and that was it. I screamed as I felt my body rip apart and suddenly I closed my eyes in such pain.

'Jay' I heard Paul's voice and I opened my eyes to only look down on him and his beautiful appearance. He was all I wanted and all I could ever need. He was the reason I was pulled to this earth and he was the gravity beneath my feet...


I looked down and saw that I no longer had hands. I had paws that were now in place of my hands.

"Move away boys" I heard daddy's voice boom from the porch as he began to descend over to our places. "If you boys had just left it!" He said angrily " she could have been older. Perhaps she would have missed this" he said as he finally reached us. "Honey honey look at me" he asked and I did as told. "Now, I need you to think of something important that makes you feel human" he asked of me and I smiled in my mind. "Boys turn around" he told them and Embry mumbled something.

"Nothing I haven't seen before" he said and Paul shot him a look

"Shut up dick head" Paul commanded and I smiled once again.

I began to think back to the time when mum was here and Jake Becca Rachael and I were playing out in the front yard. I remember running to mum as she had lemonade in her hand on a tray which was my favourite thing ever. I ran up and hugged her leg smiling and thanking her massively for creating such a wonderful invention.

Suddenly I was woken from my quick day dream as daddy through a blanket round me and I realised I was naked. This caused me to blush and I heard a voice that brought music to my ears.

"I called Sam, he's on his way" he informed daddy just as A black wolf appeared from the bushes by the Forrest. "Oh. He's here" Paul stated as he began to turn around.

"Honey, run to the house and change" he commanded and I nodded before running into the house.

I changed rather quickly yet quietly although I knew nothing would wake up Jake. He's the heaviest sleeper I've ever met.

"She's beautiful"

"Shut up Paul" I heard Embry and Paul start to shout and I smiled at Paul's compliment. Then I realised how good my hearing seemed to be and figured this must be from the wolf side of me.

"Honey?" Daddy rolled up to the window and I jumped out to meet the gathering outside my house.

"Hello Jaya I'm Sam Urly" he walked over to me and shook my hand and I smiled warmly at him.

"Hi" I said excitedly

"Do you understand what is going on here?" He asked and I nodded

"Nothing to recap over sweetie?" Daddy inquired but I nodded no, I remembered everything.

"So you're the easiest to cope with this!" Sam said with a smile. "However there is one slight problem..." Sam said and I turned to everyone only to see a sad face on each individual. "You have to stay away from your friends. You're new to all this and they don't understand what pushes your buttons and what doesn't. You're a threat to them as you are Jaya and right now we have to be Cautious. Don't worry, it's in their blood to change and they will in all good time, but you have to stay away"

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